23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Son of man is lord of the sabbath.
Undergrad Dinner & Compline
Welcome Week

Canoe Trip
Mass Intentions
Join us in welcoming the students back to McMaster, back to campus, and back to Canadian Martyrs! Please pray for their success and for a comfortable transition back to school after having to function under less than ideal circumstances for so long!
It's time!

A few months ago, we told you about the Realm program, a new information management system that is going to support our ministry here at Canadian Martyrs, and connect our church family! 

After some prep work, we are finally ready to invite you to join us in Realm! 
There are three things you should know before we highlight what you can do:
  1. We’re updating the administrative tools we use to run the daily operations of our church.
  2. We’re adding more ways to communicate and connect as a church, all while leaving current methods in place.
  3. You determine how much you want to make Realm part of your experience with our church, but we encourage you to participate!
Why should you join us in Realm? Here are just some of the great things you can use Realm for: 
  • Volunteering: Learn about the various places you can volunteer at Canadian Martyrs, apply to volunteer for a certain ministry, see and manage your schedule, request swaps and substitutions!
  • News: Keep up-to-date with the latest posts, photos, and events for any small groups you may join, and for the church as a whole
  • Posts: Post messages to your group and comment on posts by others in your group
  • Photos: Capture your moments together and share them with your group
  • Events: See event details (date, time, location, etc), submit your RSVP and sign up to bring something

Over the next weeks and months, we will slowly begin inviting people to sign up for an account with Realm. You can use it online, or you can download the app (iPhone / Android)

Do you attend Mass on Sundays pretty regularly? Do you know how to press buttons on a remote? Are you familiar with the parts of the Mass?

We need your help!

We need volunteers to manage the live stream that we broadcast every Sunday at 11:30 am so that we can continue to bring our Masses to those in our faith community who are not comfortable or not able to attend in person, and to those outside our faith community who may be searching for something to connect with.

It's incredibly easy! Literally, all you need to know how to do is press buttons on a remote control. You'll be trained so you're comfortable with the process, and, if we are lucky enough to have many people respond with the gift of their time, you will likely only be scheduled once or twice a month (perhaps even less!).

Please contact Erin in the office to let us know you can help!

Join us in person at 9:30 am, 11:30 am or 8:00 pm for Mass this Sunday!

Or, click below to watch the 11:30 am Mass live stream!
Masses will be available on our website for viewing, for one month following the live stream.

Great thanks to all for your continuing contributions, especially those who have signed up for recurring donations through our website.  We continue to need your support.  For those who prefer to donate through weekly envelopes, these can be dropped off at Mass on Sunday, or into the office mailbox (which is located just to the right of the school-facing side door of the office building)!
Another school year is about to begin! As students come to campus for the first time in over a year, we will be reaching out to the Catholics who we hope to welcome to our faith community at Canadian Martyrs. On Saturday, September 4th, the McMaster Chaplaincy will be hosting Daylight, an outreach event for incoming and returning students. We will be speaking with students on the street and inviting them into the Church to learn about the chaplaincy and to pray. 

In the Church, we will have four hours of Adoration, from 1 pm (after mass) until benediction at 5 pm

We are inviting everyone in our faith community to attend.

Please come and pray for the students, for our outreach efforts, and for the soon-to-be new members of our faith community: they are coming to the neighbourhood, but we need to invite them and welcome them in!!
This Thursday,September 9,
6:00 to 8:00 pm
It's time for fellowship.

Undergrads are invited to join together and with the SLT around a dinner table (or folding plastic table, if you're really into specifics) and enjoy a hot meal, conversation, and each other's company!
The evening will close with Night Prayer.
On Sunday, Sept 5, and Monday, Sept 6th, student leaders and members of the University Chaplaincy will be at the church, engaging with students passing by, letting them know about the Chaplaincy, and inviting them to the community! Pray for their success as they start the year off best-foot-forward, sharing the beauty of the Catholic faith and the support of our faith community!
As a last hurrah to summer, the students took to the Grand River for a grand adventure! We drove to Brantford, were taken by shuttle up river and outfitted for our journey downstream. Our adventures included drinking cold, delicious water from fresh springs, river rapids, and a good deal of swimming (most, but not all of it voluntary!). Everyone returned safe and sound, refreshed and ready for a new year at Mac.
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please contact the office to have that intention put into the calendar. 
Saturday, September 04, 2021
Intentions of the student leaders
Sunday, September 05, 2021
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community
Monday, September 06, 2021
✝Armando Caravaggio
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
Intentions of Adam Jacula
Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Intentions of Sr. Mary McIntyre
Thursday, September 09, 2021
✝Roger Pretto
Friday, September 10, 2021
Intentions of Sr. Rose Gabriel
Click the image above to see booked Mass intentions and the dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.

Any intentions noted above that fall on days where there is no public Mass will still be remembered in a private Mass.
Book an intention

 Click here to read the most recent Heart to Heart

The Sisters of the Carmel of Saint Joseph will pray for you during the Novena to Little St. Therese,
September 23rd to October 1st, 2021 

Are you troubled? Do you need spiritual support?  You can participate in the Novena to St. Therese. Send your prayer intention slip with your name and address to: 

Carmel of Saint Joseph 
1127 Carmel-Koch Road, R.R. #1 
St. Agatha, ON N0B 2L0
Copyright © 2021 Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church & Chaplaincy, All rights reserved.

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time


22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time