Congratulations on your engagement!

What is the Sacrament of Marriage?

Weddings are a beautiful and cherished tradition that bring together two people in a celebration of love and commitment. The Sacrament of Marriage is one of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. It is a covenant between two people, in which they promise to love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. This sacrament is a sacred union, which signifies the love between Christ and his Church.

We would be pleased to guide you in this important sacrament! However, it's important to have a connection to Canadian Martyrs, such as being a member of our faith community or regularly attending services. This connection ensures that we are aligned in our beliefs and values, and creates a deeper sense of meaning and significance in the marriage ceremony. So, if you're dreaming of getting married at Canadian Martyrs, it's important to establish a connection with the community and make it a part of your journey.

Church law dictates that the normal place in which a Roman Catholic wedding can take place is the parish in which the bride or groom (or both) currently reside.

Please Note: Couples who do not belong to Canadian Martyrs parish, but belong to a parish in the Diocese of Hamilton or some other place, must first contact the parish priest where they currently reside to begin the process of making plans for marriage. Only when the parish priest has agreed to assist with preparation for marriage can we consider your request to celebrate your wedding at Canadian Martyrs. 

Couples who reside outside the Diocese of Hamilton MUST first contact their parish as special permissions are required from the diocese in which they reside.

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Requirements for Getting Married in the Catholic Church

If you're planning to get married in the Catholic Church, there are several requirements that you must fulfill. These include:

  1. Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana) Classes: These are a requirement for all couples who want to get married in the Catholic Church. These classes are designed to help couples prepare for marriage and cover a range of topics, including communication, finances, and the meaning of the sacrament. When you meet with the pastor to begin preparations, he will assist you in making sure you get signed up for the preparation course. Click here for the 2024 Marriage Preparation Program. To register, please visit the Diocesan website here.

  2. Baptism: At least one of the people being married must be Catholic. If your spouse-to-be is not a Catholic, you can still be married in the Catholic Church, but this will require more steps, and must be discussed with the pastor.

  3. Fully initiated: If you're Catholic, you must be fully initiated in the faith.

  4. Freedom to Marry: You must be free to marry, which means you cannot be currently married or in a civil union.

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Photography by Kendra Ruth Photography

Making Arrangements for Your Wedding

If you're ready to start making arrangements for your wedding, the first steps are to

  • complete the Application for Marriage form,

  • acquire your up-to-date (issued no later than 6 months prior to meeting with the pastor) baptismal certificate from your church of baptism, and

  • contact us at least a year in advance of your desired wedding date.

The pastor will then meet with you, and help guide you through the process of planning your wedding. We look forward to helping you prepare for this important sacrament, and wish you all the best as you prepare for your special day!

  • A: Yes. Couples are required, by Ontario law, to obtain a Civil Marriage License from the Office of the Registrar at City Hall. This license can be obtained within 90 days of the date of the wedding. You must submit it to the parish office no later than one month of the date of your wedding.

  • A: For Catholics, the Baptism Certificate proves one’s freedom from a prior bond of marriage in the Catholic Church. It is a required document.

  • A: Fees will be discussed in further detail once you've met with the pastor, but here are some general guidelines:

    • Offering for the use of the Church: $300 (parishioners)/$750 (non-parishioners)

    • Presider: according your discretion & means

    • Server (if you request one): $20

    • Music Director/Organist: $200

    • Cantor: $100

  • A: Floral arrangements may be used to decorate the church. You are welcome to leave the sanctuary flower arrangements as a gesture of praise and gratitude to God. Any other decorations: runners, pew decor, or announcement boards must be discussed with, and approved by the pastor.

  • A: Arrangements can be made for the Parish Hall under certain special circumstances, however, the following requirements must be adhered to:

    • No alcohol is to be served

    • You must acquire third-party insurance for the event

    • The event cannot go past 10:00 pm

    • The kitchen cannot be used to cook food, only to serve from

    • You must leave it in the same condition in which you found it, cleaned, and with all tables and chairs returned to storage

    • We do not provide the use of cutlery, dishes, or linens

    • A contract for the use of the space will need to be signed