

The way of the Church is not to condemn anyone forever, it is to pour out the balm of God's mercy.

Pope Francis

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is for our spiritual healing.

Catholics must confess all known mortal sins to a priest. By doing this, we put ourselves in the state of grace necessary to receive the Holy Eucharist. Any venial, or minor sins we have committed are forgiven by receiving the Holy Eucharist.

Don’t be anxious about confessing your sins to a priest. He is bound by the most absolute secrecy and confidentiality known to humankind. There are no circumstances under which a priest is permitted to reveal anything said to him under the seal of confession, even if you give him permission yourself!



Saturday 4:15 – 5:00 pm

Wednesday 11:30 am – 12:15 pm*

Friday 11:15 am – 12:15 pm

*Wednesday confessions are suspended during the months of May through August. Please check the homepage for up-to-date schedule information.

  • How to Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

    1. Prepare: Spend some quiet time reflecting on your life since your last confession. Consider any sins you need to confess. An examination of conscience can be helpful.

    2. Enter the Confessional: When you're ready, enter the confessional. You can choose to sit face-to-face with the priest or kneel behind a screen.

    3. Begin with a Greeting: Start by making the Sign of the Cross and saying, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." Mention how long it has been since your last confession.

    4. Confess Your Sins: Clearly and honestly confess your sins. There's no need to go into excessive detail; simply name the sins you're aware of. The priest may offer some advice or ask questions to help guide you.

    5. Receive Your Penance: The priest will give you a penance, usually a prayer or an act of charity, to help you grow spiritually and make amends.

    6. Act of Contrition: Express your sorrow by reciting the Act of Contrition. If you don’t remember it, the priest can guide you.

    7. Absolution: The priest will extend his hands over you and pray the prayer of absolution, through which your sins are forgiven.

    8. Finish with a Prayer: After leaving the confessional, say the prayer or perform the act of penance given to you.

    Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a beautiful way to experience God’s mercy and grace.

  • I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.

    Have I treated people, events, or things as more important than God? 

    You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

    Have my words, actively or passively, put down God, the Church, or people? 

    Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.

    Do I go to Mass every Sunday (or Saturday Vigil) and on Holy Days of Obligation? Do I avoid, when possible, work that impedes worship to God, joy for the Lord’s Day, and proper relaxation of mind and body? Do I look for ways to spend time with family or in service on Sunday? 

    Honour your father and your mother. 

    Do I show my parent’s due respect? Do I seek to maintain good communication with my parents where possible? Do I criticize them for lacking skills I think they should have? 

    You shall not kill. 

    Have I harmed another physically, verbally, or emotionally, including gossip or manipulation? 

    You shall not commit adultery. 

    Have I respected the physical and sexual dignity of others and myself? 

    You shall not steal. 

    Have I taken or wasted time or resources that belonged to another? 

    You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

    Have I gossiped, told lies, or embellished stories at the expense of another? 

    You shall not covet your neighbour’s spouse. 

    Have I honoured my spouse with my complete affection and exclusive love? 

    You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods. 

    Am I content with my means and needs, or do I compare myself to others unnecessarily?