Ascension of the Lord

Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.
Message from Fr Markus:

Thank you all for your best wishes and prayers on the 10th anniversary of my ordination!

It is amazing to reflect on all the Lord has done in my life over these past 10 years, and indeed so much that has happened over these very blessed years at Canadian Martyrs and McMaster, with you!

Be assured of my continued prayers for you, as you serve the Lord in your own vocations, and as we together give glory to Him!

Thank you!
We have another offsite coming up! Our last one wasn't as comprehensive as we had wanted, given that we couldn't meet in person (and Zoom fatigue is real). We will meet again via Zoom this Wednesday, May 20th. We hope to discuss a couple of exciting (and some nuts & bolts) things we see upcoming in our faith community, such as the Fall Tri Chaplaincy Pilgrimage, the structure and organization of this Community Update, the potential Grand Opening of the new facility, and the website, among other things.

Please keep us in prayer that we may be attentive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we seek to enhance the ways we live our mission of Inviting, Forming and Sending... disciples of Jesus Christ.
We will be offering Mass online each Sunday at 9:00 am while we are under this lockdown. Make it appointment viewing! It will be available on YouTube and our website any time after.
Our mission continues!  Great thanks to all for your continuing contributions, especially those who have signed up for recurring donations through our website.  We continue to need your support.  For those who prefer to donate through weekly envelopes, these can be dropped off at Mass on Sunday, or into the office mailbox (which is located just to the right of the school-facing side door of the office building)!

Sunday Reflection

Watch this week's Sunday reflection here!

Cornerstone Project
This might not look like much right now, but the tiling is going to be an amazing update (among so many others) to the church hall. This is the kitchen, and it is going to look and function so well once its completed. I'm sure we've all seen dated church kitchens, and if you're lucky, you've seen some of the renovated ones. When they work well, they are such an asset, making things so much easier during various functions.
Be sure to check out the website for more pictures of the progress! They are starting to slow a little, but that's a good sign that we are nearing the end of the project!

As you may recall, our church is in the process of moving to a new kind of record-keeping solution called Realm®. It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way community members are involved in our church. Not only will this improve work-life for our ministry staff, but it will also make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community of believers.  Be assured, Realm includes solid privacy and security features.

Everyone in our church gets a unique profile. If you choose to, you can use an app to log into your profile and join small groups, RSVP to events, update your contact information, change family details, set notification preferences, set and monitor your volunteer preferences, or upload a photo!    
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please contact the office to have that intention put into the calendar. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021
For the Needs and Intentions
of our Faith Community
Monday, May 17, 2021
✝Peter Storr
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
✝Frank O'Meara
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
✝Ossie Enright
Thursday, May 20, 2021
✝Georgia Caravaggio
Friday, May 21, 2021
Intentions of Bernie Pataracchia
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Intentions of Father Markus

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and the dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends. Any intentions noted above that fall on days where there is no public Mass will still be remembered in a private Mass.
Book an intention

Bishop Crosby's Heart to Heart

Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
Join the Reel Justice Film Festival, May 27th, 2021, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM for the screening of The End of Immigration. This powerful documentary examines the realities of temporary foreign workers in Canada and reveals an inequity that is having a profound impact on the society in which we live. Following the film, Sarah Guinta, Coordinator for the Office of Justice and Peace, and Rev. Peter Ciallella, Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Burford, will offer a conversation regarding ministry to temporary foreign workers in the Diocese of Hamilton. RSVP to: Join the discussion! The Reel Justice Film Festival is a partnership between the Bishop Farrell Library & Archives and Development and Peace.
Copyright © 2021 Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church & Chaplaincy, All rights reserved.

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Pentecost Sunday


6th Sunday of Easter