2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

And they remained with him that day...
January 18 - 25: Prayer for Christian Unity
January 21: Memorial of St. Agnes
Registration for the Winter 2021 Alpha is now open!

Wednesdays, January 27 to March 31⁠
Time: 7:00 am - 8:30 pm ⁠

Ever wondered if there is more to life than this?

 Probably most everyone has, perhaps now more than ever. Alpha is a great way to get together in a friendly, open, non-judgmental forum, for conversation with others who also have questions, just like you!  

If you’ve been through Alpha before, you’ll know what an engaging and insightful experience it can be. There’s nothing stopping you from coming again to another session, but this time, bring someone else along! Invite a neighbour, family member, classmate or friend! People of all faiths (or no faith!) are welcome to come to Alpha: Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, atheist or agnostic!

Alpha will be online via Zoom. And if you’re not that familiar with Zoom, we can help you with that too! 

I mean… where else have you got to be these days?

Check out our website for more information and to register. Click the banner above!
Did you get a chance to watch Fr. Markus' Sunday Reflection last week?
We will have another one for you tomorrow! 
Find it here
Join our community in visiting other parish communities, virtually!  
So much good is happening throughout the church in this time of need and so we will be offering live-stream feeds and websites from other parishes throughout this time of lockdown, in addition to Fr. Markus' Sunday Reflection.  Join us in finding the Lord in so many places, until we can come to our spiritual home again!
Why not catch the Sunday Mass from St. Patrick's in Vancouver, BC?
Watch Here
Or check out Mass from Church Nativity in Baltimore, MD?
Watch Here
Also, Mass from the Cathedral Basilica will be televised on Cable 14 at 2:00 p.m. on Sundays.
Find it here
As classes start this week, our student leaders are taking the initiative to invite friends and other contacts to join a Faith Study. Equipped with tools from Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) and the Holy Spirit, they are taking on this online mission ground to proclaim the Gospel and invite others into a relationship with Jesus. Please keep the leaders and everyone they are reaching out to in your prayers.

All students are encouraged to join a Faith Study—the backbone of our ministry. Visit ccofaithstudies.ca to sign up.
Catholic Café started this past week! Our first few sessions were rewarding opportunities for fellowship and discussion. Father Markus, Sister Mary, and Paul will continue to gather every TuesdayWednesday, and Thursday from 3-4 pm.
Be a part of life at the Chaplaincy. Bring your favourite hot beverage and your questions. 
All are welcome!  Join us via Zoom at this link: https://tinyurl.com/cathcafe
The Source is back! Save the date, more details to follow! 

Praise and Worship
Guest speaker
Student testimony

Wednesday, JANUARY 28th 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
To learn more click the title above!

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an annual ecumenical celebration. Christians around the world are invited to pray for the unity of all Christians, to reflect on scripture together, to participate in jointly-organized ecumenical services, and to share fellowship.

You can use the resources not only during the Week of Prayer itself, but throughout the year. Let them help you express the degree of communion already given to the churches, and to pray together that we may be more fully united in the one Christ.

PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH - Parenting Tip 126: Children love to read the same book repeatedly, eat the same lunch every day and they do best, in fact thrive, on a daily routine. The predictable makes children feel secure and competent because they know what to expect. With little children, routines for mealtimes, bed and bath times, prayer time and even playtime, can be a great comfort, making for happier children. This same wellness from routines also works for older children. The more routine in their lives, the more relaxed and happy their personality. So, start the New Year by creating a schedule for all family members, try it out and see how much peace can come to your household! (Family Ministry Office thartnett@hamiltondiocese.com).

  • Your name?    
  • How long have you been a member of our faith community?
    Since my baptism. My parents were married at Canadian Martyrs Church in 1961. My husband and I were also married here. Our children were baptized at Canadian Martyrs as well. 
  • How did you choose Canadian Martyrs, and what do you like most about being part of this community?    
    I respect the devotion to our Lord, the sense of community and efforts to help the poor. 
  • Your favourite food?    
    Anything Italian 
  • Favourite movie or book?    
    Anything Jane Austen e.g., Pride and Prejudice
  • Tell us a boring (or interesting!) fact about you?    
    I figure skated for many years.
What you're looking at here is the opening to the new build from the church. You're "standing" at the entrance to the church hall looking up. That open space to the left of the construction pylon used to be the bathroom. It now leads into the reception area! Check out the other pics on our website of the building progress!
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.
This Week's Intentions

Sunday, January 17, 2021
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community
Monday, January 18, 2021
Intentions of Jenner Bae
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Intentions of Dorothy Callaghan
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
✝Frank O'Meara
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Intentions of Charlie and Rita Callaghan
Friday, January 22, 2021
Intentions of Francisco Kim & Clara Cho Family

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends. Any intentions noted above that fall on days where there is no public Mass will still be remembered in a private Mass.
Book an intention
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3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Baptism of the Lord