Third Sunday of Easter

...he took the bread and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him...
In preparation for this weekend's reading...
This week's reading is particularly meaningful for us! The naming of our mission — our "Road Map" — was inspired by this story of the road to Emmaus! You might want to check out this link, and watch the video of Scott Powell's talk from this past fall's pilgrimage, as this was the primary gospel he spoke about!
Our SLT was interviewed for Salt + Light's "Hope From Home" show! 

The interview will air on the Salt + Light TV network, their website, and their Facebook page. ⁠
  • Salt + Light TV Network: Saturday April 25th at 6pm
  • Official Hope From Home Webpage: Saturday April 25th at 6pm  [LINK]
  • Salt + Light Media Facebook: Sunday April 26th at 11am  [LINK]
Click on the image above to check out our latest blog post for some tips on ways to really engage in celebrating Mass at home, and to unite ourselves in prayer with the whole community of the faithful.
New Mass will be available here, every Sunday!
To the benefactors of our Faith community, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of our Church and its endeavours. On Friday, May 1, the daily mass will be offered for your intentions.
Given this past week was National Volunteer Week, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of those that volunteer at Canadian Martyrs, and support our works with the gift of your time and talents! And to those of you that volunteer for other worthy causes! 
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
Thank you to everyone who donated last week to our collection, 10% of which will be going to Immigrants Working Center! We thank you for your continued support! 

Sister Mary has a few words to say about this week's collection, so take a look at the video above!  10% of all donations received will be directed to Ronald McDonald House.
Donate Now!
If you donate online, please be sure to check your junk mail if you haven't received your charitable receipt, as they sometimes get directed there by your email provider.

If you unable to donate online, you can drop off your envelopes in the mailbox at the Church office on Tuesday between  1 -3 pm, or Thursday morning, from 10 am - 12 pm.
As we come across them, we'd like to share some resources that you may find helpful, if you are finding this current state of social isolation difficult to adjust to. If you are among those having difficulties, please be gentle with yourself, look into strategies to help you cope, and know that you can reach out for help, to friends, to family, and to us. 

You aren't making it easy on us, are you? You've been sending in some hard questions!
We know that there are many important topics, and we want to be able to offer guidance, but we are finding that the responses have needed to be far more nuanced than we are able to supply in what we intended to be a short question and answer format.  So… we’ve decided to suspend “Ask us Anything” and in it’s place to create a new section on our website “Resources for Disciples.”  Have a look at the link below, and feel free to email in any ideas for what you might like included, we’ll hopefully build it up over time.

This past week’s question surrounded resources that might be available regarding the Christian and specifically Catholic approach to Same-Sex Attraction and Sexuality.  Thanks for submitting.  Here’s a short response to the questioner, who was anonymous, from Fr. Markus:

Thanks for your question!  This is such an important area and glad we can point out a few resources.  You’ll find on a new page of our website with some initial resources.  Be assured of my prayers.
Fr. Markus

Take a minute to check out "Resources for Disciples"
Resources for Disciples
In an effort to encourage you to stay connected, and take advantage of opportunities to deepen your faith, we have two conferences to recommend! Click on each image for more information.
Although white is considered the color of purity in pop culture (due largely in part to the white wedding gown made popular by Queen Victoria), in Catholic art, it is the color blue that is symbolic of purity. The instruction to brides to wear "something blue" was to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, who you will recall, is almost always pictured with a blue mantle, which signifies her virginal purity. Even the French exclamation Sacré Blue honours Our Lady and is a plea for protection under her blue mantle.
So now you know!
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

Please rest assured that Fr. Markus is honouring these intentions in his daily private Mass.

This Week's Intentions

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
✞Mara Lulgjuraj
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
no intentions booked
Thursday, April 30, 2020
✞Mary Cianciolo
Friday, May 01, 2020
Benefactors of our Faith Community
Saturday, May 02, 2020
✞Roger Pretto & ✞Armando Carravaggio
✞Father Sardo

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.
Click the banner above to read the latest edition of Bishop Crosby's Heart to Heart, his weekly message to the faithful of the Diocese of Hamilton.

Third Sunday of Easter

Do you recognize Christ in your life? Does your heart burn in his presence? How are you being called? If God is calling you to the priesthood,  contact Fr. Michael King, Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton at 905-528-7988 or  

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Fourth Sunday of Easter


Divine Mercy Sunday