Divine Mercy Sunday

Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.


Ask Us Anything Maintaining Mental and Spiritual Health • This Week's Collection.. • Condolences • Essential Service Workers • Prayers for Mac Students • Cornerstone Project • Thank you!! • Mass at Canadian Martyrs •Did You Know? • From the Diocese • Vocation Seeds • Mass Intentions

4/19 Divine Mercy Sunday

For information on how to observe Divine Mercy Sunday at home, click here!
A few weeks ago, we put out a call for questions. A very interesting one came in, and the Senior Leadership team asked Rachel Knight-Messenger, as a member of the Canadian Martyr's community, to tackle it. Rachel has a Ph.D. in systemic theology with a focus on ecological theology and Catholic ethics. 
Click the image above to find out what was asked, and how it was answered!
If you have anything you'd like to ask us, let us know! 
Ask Us Anything!
As we come across them, we'd like to share some resources that you may find helpful, if you are finding this current state of social isolation difficult to adjust to. If you are among those having difficulties, please be gentle with yourself, look into strategies to help you cope, and know that you can reach out for help, to friends, to family, and to us. 

Thank you to everyone who donated last week to our collection, 10% of which will be going to St. Patrick's Parish! We know that, during this time of economic downturn, giving is a sacrifice, and it is one that we recognize, and are deeply grateful for. 

This week, 10% of all donations received will be directed to the Immigrants Working Centre. Many immigrants are experiencing severe hardship due to the current health crisis, and the Immigrants Working Centre offers many supports, from settlement support, employment services, Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC services) and financial support during COVID-19. 

Donate Now!
If you donate online, please be sure to check your junk mail if you haven't received your charitable receipt, as they sometimes get directed there by your email provider.

If you unable to donate online, you can drop off your envelopes in the mailbox at the Church office on Tuesday between  1 -3 pm, or Thursday morning, from 10 am - 12 pm.
We offer our condolences to Gary and Kerry Mahoney and their family on the recent loss of Gary’s mother, Helen. May she rest in the arms of the Lord who formed her from the dust of the earth. May holy Mary, the angels, and all the saints welcome her now that she has gone forth from this life. May Christ bring her freedom and peace. 
We'd like to thank essential workers for their service during this time. Think of farmers and grocery store employees, who keep food on our tables, truck drivers, who keep supply chains moving, childcare workers who allow other essential workers to go to work, construction workers creating and supporting infrastructure, municipal maintenance workers, who keep our streets clean, and our city running. We are enabled by the efforts of all of these people and must acknowledge their efforts.

Our university students are in the midst of exams - we invite you to keep them in your prayers, as they are in ours.
Feeling like you're in stasis? Waiting for something, anything, to happen? Progress is being made on the Cornerstone Project. We have uploaded a bunch of pictures, and Fr. Markus walks us through some of the most recent developments and lets us take a closer look at the plans! Click the image to see the latest posts, and bookmark it to stay up to date!!
---THANK YOU!!---
We must thank Lucy Caluori, of West Hamilton Fortinos, for the donation of the beautiful outdoor spring arrangements to celebrate the beginning of the Easter season!
We will continue to post Sunday Mass as celebrated at Canadian Martyrs, so that you may continue to join in worship with us at home! Click the image above! There will be a new Sunday Mass posted tomorrow!
The Easter season is arguably the most important celebration in the Catholic tradition, more significant even than Christmas! Eastertide is a period of 50 days, spanning from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday, which falls on May 31st this year. It is a time of great joy and celebration,  and no accident that it lasts longer than the 40 penitential days of Lent!
So now you know!
THE ANGELUS BELLS of the Cathedral Basilica ring at 9 a.m., 12 o’clock noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. every day in support of the health care providers who put themselves at risk in service of those who have tested positive for the corona virus. The bells remind all who hear them to pray in gratitude for their courage, generosity and safety during this pandemic. Even if you do not hear the bells, remember to pray in thanksgiving for those who are caring for the sick and elderly these days! 

Second Sunday of Easter

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Will you respond to God's call to be sent as a priest? If God is calling you,  contact Fr. Michael King, Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton at 905-528-7988 or vocations@hamiltondiocese.com.  

If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

Please rest assured that Fr. Markus is honouring these intentions in his daily private Mass.

This Week's Intentions

Tuesday, April 21
✞Mark Lulgjuraj
Wednesday, April 22 
✞Maria Leonor Ganhao
Thursday, April 23 
no intentions booked
Friday, April 24 
no intentions booked
Saturday, April 25 
no intentions booked

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.
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Third Sunday of Easter


Easter Blessings!