4th Sunday of Advent

Dispensation from Mass • Fourth Sunday of Advent • Christmas Tickets • Gloria Dei W2020 • Mary's Baby Shower • Nativity Project • On-line Masses
Late Breaking News

As most will have heard, the provincial government announced Friday evening, December 18, that the Hamilton region will move into the grey zone of coronavirus precautions beginning Monday, December 20 at 12:01am. This will mean the adapting of many plans and details in our email below, including Christmas Mass, online live-streaming, etc. 

With the many precautions of the past months, Mass will continue this Sunday, December 20th; 9:30am11:30am and 8:00pm (a last chance Mass, in a whole new way). Mass through the week (Dec 22/23) is canceled. 

The SLT will convene Tuesday afternoon to discuss plans for Christmas, weekends going forward, and other ways we can remain connected as a community of faith. Please watch our website, socials and your email for developing news through this week. 

Let us remain united and steadfast. The Lord comes, let us welcome him into our homes and continue our mission; Inviting, Forming, Sending...(and being) Disciples of Jesus Christ!

In Christ,

FBTM and the SLT
December 24 Christmas Eve Vigil 
4:00 pm & 6:00 pm
December 25 Christmas Day Mass
10:30 am
December 26
No Mass
December 27 Lord’s Day Mass
9:30 am, 11:30 am & 8:00 pm
December 28–31
No Mass, Office Closed
January 1 Mary Mother of God
11:30 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
By appointment

Office Hours
Office closed except by confirmed appointment.
Please email or call (905-528-4632) for an appointment.
We’re open!  For Christmas and Christmas Eve, as far as we know for now….  Don’t forget to register and print/pick up your ticket.  That said, we know some may at this point choose to refrain from attending Christmas Mass and new year’s feast of Mary Mother of God.  
As you know, Bishop Crosby has dispensed Catholics in the Diocese of Hamilton from the ordinary Sunday obligation for the duration of the current pandemic.  Christmas and the feast of Mary Mother of God are also Holy Days of Obligation for us as Catholics within Canada.  
As Pastor of Canadian Martyrs, entrusted with the care of souls for Catholics living within our territorial boundaries, I hereby reiterate the same dispensation from the Sunday obligation.  I hereby grant a dispensation to all Catholics within the territorial boundaries of Canadian Martyrs, from the obligation to attend Mass on the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, and the Feast of Mary Mother of God (Canon 1245).
I encourage all to continue, as on Sundays, to remember these days in some way as holy days, sabbaths, on which we are called to rest, and rejoice in whatever way is possible.  Pray for those in need, our health care workers, the lonely, the sick and the poor.  
Be assured of my prayers and good wishes this Christmas.  
In Christ,

 This Fourth Sunday of Advent, let us meditate on the promise of peace that Jesus brings to our hearts and our world.  


Thank you everyone for reserving your seats for Christmas!

If you are picking up physical tickets, please see Sr. Mary before Mass on December 20th, or let the office know when you'll be by to pick them up. If you opted to print them yourself, you can expect them in your email by December 20.
~ Gloria Dei Winter 2020 Edition ~

The 2nd edition of the Gloria Dei, our quarterly print newsletter, went into the mail this past Friday, so keep an eye on your mailbox for your copy! Father Markus personally stamped, stickered and stuffed each and every envelope!

If you don't receive a print edition, you may receive the digital edition via email. If you prefer a hardcopy, just let us know in the office, and we'll add you to our mailing list!
~ Mary's Baby Shower ~
Sr. Mary dropped off your donations at Regina's Place, and they were so pleased and grateful to have received them! 
Regina’s Place is home to young moms aged 21 and younger, and their children, who are confronted with enormous responsibilities as they raise their babies. They live in fully furnished, subsidized transitional housing apartments. Originally opened as Angela’s Place, it was renamed Regina’s Place in June 2017 as a tribute to the memory of the late Sister Regina Brunelle. 

That’s a wrap….almost!!!

What a campaign it’s been. We are still waiting for some pledges to trickle in, especially from those we are contacting from commitment weekend. But what a success. We’ve exceeded our goal and have one of the best participation rates in the diocese, certainly top of our wave. As announced, we are currently sitting at $249,500 with several more pledges to come. If you haven’t made your pledge, don’t feel like it’s not worth it because we’ve reached our goal. Now that we are 2x our minimum goal ALL monies pledged and given to the campaign stay 1000% in our community. Pledge today, it’ll be the gift that keeps on giving and help us make 2021 and onward, amazing years to remember!
One of the best parts of Christmas is the chance to see and socialize with people in a meaningful way, from those that you see every day, to those that you may not get to see on a regular basis. This Christmas, we aren't able to do that, so we thought we'd try something a little different in an effort to unite our faith community! Last Easter, we invited everyone to post pictures of their door decorated with their palm leaves, and this year, we'd love to see your nativity scenes!

Post them on social media with the hashtag #CMNativityproject! We'll repost them to our social media, or email them to us at canadianmartyrshamilton@hamiltondiocese.com and we'll post them for you! 
Recently, the diocese made clear its expectations for live-streamed/recorded Masses. The format of our recorded Masses, unfortunately, is not able to conform to those requirements, and this Sunday, December 20th will be the last recorded Mass we will be offering online, for viewing at home. 

If you would like to read the Diocesan requirements, you can find them at this link.

We understand that you may still feel uncomfortable attending Mass in person, so we invite you to watch via the Salt & Light website or Facebook page.
Sunday Mass will air live at 8 am ET in English.
Daily Mass will air live Monday through Saturday at 8:30 am ET in English.
The links to watch the Mass LIVE online are:
Repeats at 11:00 on Salt and Light TV
Canadian Catholic Broadcasting Council schedule for Sunday and daily Mass: https://dailytvmass.com/daily-tv-mass/
The 2021 Sunday Offering envelopes will be ready for pick up on December 20 and 27th! If you are attending Mass, see Sr. Mary for your envelopes. If you would prefer to pick them up from the office, please call or email to let us know when you will be by, and we will leave them in the mailbox for you to pick up.
 Fr. Markus is elated at the progress we see being made in the church hall! Visions of future wonderful events, mingling and socializing with our wonderful faith community, are dancing in his head. 
See more pics on our website of the building progress!
━ Ask Yourself... 
 What a Saint Said...
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
His Excellency, Bishop Crosby, will celebrate Christmas Midnight Mass from the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, Hamilton. The Midnight Mass will be preceded by a Carol Service beginning at 11:30 p.m. Both the Carol Service and the Midnight Mass will be broadcast on Salt+Light Media and shared with CHCH-TV. The Mass will be repeated on CHCH-TV at 8:00 a.m. on Christmas morning.
Due to COVID restrictions, all seating for Midnight Mass has already been reserved. Join us for the broadcast and share in the joy of this Christmas feast!
The Office for Liturgy and the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis have teamed together to produce a resource and video in offering to the domestic church to help families everywhere pray and celebrate the experience of Christmas in a meaningful way this year.  We pray this resource will draw families together for a time of quiet prayer, reflection and thanksgiving over the days of Christmas – especially those who may not feel comfortable attending Christmas Masses in the Parish.  Targeted for families, not only does this resource help guide a parent to lead a simple Celebration of the Word, but also invites His Excellency, Bishop Crosby into the homes of the faithful to proclaim the Christmas Day Gospel and share a reflection from the heart.
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

This Week's Intentions

Sunday, December 19, 2021
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community
Monday, December 20, 2021
No intentions booked
Tuesday, December 21, 2021  
Sr. Theresa Marie Caillouette
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
No intentions booked
Thursday, December 23, 2021
No intentions booked
Friday, December 24, 2021  
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends. Any intentions noted above that fall on days where there is no public Mass will still be remembered in a private Mass.

Book an intention
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Baptism of the Lord


Gaudete Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent)