First Sunday of Advent

Christmas Attendance Survey • Bishop-Elect • Missals (Update) • Cornerstone Project
Liturgy Schedule
Tuesday – Friday 12:30 pm
Sunday 9:30 am (Latin); 11:30 am (English); 
8:00 pm (English)

Sacrament of Reconciliation
By appointment
Saturday 4:00 to 6:00 pm

Office Hours
Office closed except by confirmed appointment.
Please email or call (905-528-4632) for an appointment.

This Sunday, we begin a new Liturgical Year, starting with the first Sunday of Advent. This is the time for a renewed commitment to our faith. It's a powerful time of prayer and penance the purpose of which, is a renewed focus on the message of Jesus. The entire Liturgy of the Advent season encourages an awakening in our spiritual lives, making us ‘vigilant’  as we wait for Our Lord Jesus who is coming:

‘Awaken! Remember that God comes! Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today, now! The one true God, "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob", is not a God who is there in Heaven, unconcerned with us and our history, but he is the-God-who-comes. 

Pope Benedict XVI,
Celebration of First Vespers of Advent,
Vatican Basilica, December 2006

What a campaign it has been for us! At the outset of this endeavour, we had concerns that our goals would be a challenge to achieve. If we knew then what we know now! To say that we are in awe of what we have been able to accomplish over the past 8 weeks is an understatement. We are humbled by the generosity of our faith community, and encouraged by the stewardship that has been practiced. In addition to the benefits our community will enjoy, we will be able, as part of the diocesan-wide campaign, to assist in other valuable ministries: campus, hospital, prison, and ministry to migrant workers, who have suffered incredibly during this time of the pandemic. We applaud you and are so grateful for our faith community. 
We are asking for your help in planning our Christmas services schedule. Given current attendance restrictions, it's important that we capture an accurate picture of who will actually be in attendance so that we can plan accordingly. Please take a moment now to click the button below and complete a quick survey on service time options for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Please only respond if you plan on attending, and be sure to get your response in no later than end-of-day, Tuesday, December 1. 
We will have our holiday scheduling finalized by next weekend's email, so be sure to check back!
Complete Survey
His Grace, Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, Apostolic Nuncio to Canada, has announced that Reverend Father Wayne Lawrence Lobsinger has been appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton by His Holiness, Pope Francis.
Bishop-elect Lobsinger currently serves as pastor at St. Ann Parish, Ancaster.  The episcopal ordination is expected to take place at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, in early February 2021.

Upon learning of the new appointment, Fr. Markus tweeted: "!!! The pastor of my home parish during my seminary years, a steadfast support for me and a tireless pastor in every appointment he’s had. Congratulations, Your Excellency!"

Join us in congratulating Bishop Lobsinger!
We've been notified by our supplier that our order of missals has been delayed. As soon as we have an updated delivery window, we will let you know! Thanks for your patience!
Meet the Flock
Some of you may have gotten a Community Connect Call from Karen at the height of the lock-down!
Your name?
Karen Szala-Meneok
How long have you been a member of our faith community?
Since the Mid-1970s
How did you choose Canadian Martyrs, and what do you like most about being part of this community?
I was a student at McMaster and CM was in my neighbourhood.
Your favourite food?
Beet borscht
Favourite movie or book?
Movie: "Trains, Plains and Automobiles"
Tell us a boring (or interesting!) fact about you?
I'm left-handed but use a computer mouse with my right hand.
I'm constantly surprised at how much construction elements thrill me. First, it was brick, then it was drywall, and now it's skylights!  The new student centre and the admin area are being constructed alongside the existing church structure. We aren't covering the current stone finish on the back wall of the church, and the two structures are joined by these amazing skylights that span the length of the connection and wrap around the existing building! Seeing them go in is kinda thrilling, don't you agree??
See more pics on our website of the building progress!

━ Ask Yourself... 
Is it being used as a tool to serve other agendas? Are you using your faith to impress someone, increase your social status, buttress a moral belief, or fill intellectual, emotional, and relational voids? Faith can morph into things it was never originally intended for — take time to examine your reasons, and clear your spirituality from the things that might hijack it.
 What a Saint Said...
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
The Sisters of the Carmel of Saint Joseph will pray for you during the Novena to Infant Jesus, December 16th to December 25th, 2020. Are you troubled? Do you need spiritual support?
You can participate in the Novena to Infant Jesus. Send your prayer intention slip with your name and address to:
Carmel of Saint Joseph
1127 Carmel-Koch Road, R.R. #1
St. Agatha, ON N0B 2L0
As winter approaches, we move into maintenance mode: we clear the gutters on the roof so water can flow freely, we change to winter tires to prepare for the coming cold and snow and we gather and store outdoor summer items from the yard to keep safe for next year. Do we take the time to offer maintenance to our most important relationship? Do we discuss shifting roles as our family changes and then discuss what we both need to stay happy and healthy? Do we check to see if we have prioritized each other instead of everything else? Do we spend time making sure our finances are in order? Do we pray together for patience, love, kindness and compassion to grow and strengthen in our relationship? Maintenance takes time, but for love to thrive, it is so necessary.
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

This Week's Intentions

Monday, November 30, 2020
✝Branko & Marija Hunjet
Tuesday, December 01, 2020
✝Father Sardo
Wednesday, December 02, 2020    
✝Aga Lulgjuraj
Thursday, December 03, 2020
✝Frank & Bridget Horan
Friday, December 04, 2020
Special Intention:
Benefactors of our Faith Community
Saturday, December 05, 2020
(Fr. Markus's private Mass)

✝Nick Caravaggio
✝Purgatory Souls

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.

Book an intention
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Second Sunday of Advent


Christ the King