33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

OHOS • World Day of the Poor • Meet the Flock • Cornerstone Project • This Time Last Year
Next Sunday, November 22  the Feast of Christ the King  is Commitment Sunday, and wraps up the active period of our part in the One Heart One Soul campaign! Thank you so much to everyone who has already pledged. We are so close to reaching our challenge goal, so if you haven't yet had a chance to drop off your donation or make donations arrangements online, this is the week to do it! And remember, ultimately, we do this in order to be able to evangelize more effectively, proclaim the Gospel more ardently, and draw more people into a relationship with Christ. 

Q: What kinds of things does the Diocese do for parishes and others already?

A: The good work of the Diocese of Hamilton is widespread. Here are a few examples of the ways diocesan offices enhance the life of our parishes and people:
  • Advocating for the dignity of all life and supporting and promoting marriage and family life.
  • Encouraging vocational discernment to the priesthood and religious life.
  • Programming and support for youth and young adult ministry.
  • Adult faith formation, catechesis, religious education and sacramental preparation.
  • Assistance in the relocation and resettlement of refugees.
  • Advocacy on behalf of the poor and marginalized.
  • Assistance for parishes in all aspects of sacred worship, including formation for liturgical ministers.
  • Support for parishes in the areas of human resources, building maintenance, financial reporting, stewardship, charitable giving and parish development.

For a full list of FAQs and much more about the campaign, visit www.oneheartonesoul.ca.
— Sunday, November 15, 2020 —
God of Abraham,
Everywhere we go we see Lazarus. 
But we also see so many doors,
doors that separate us from Lazarus. 

Lord, teach us to open those doors
To Lazarus, to the poor,
to help them find
a just share of your bounty.

This World Day of the Poor,
help us all turn to those outside our door,
to bless, heal and comfort them.

Help us to build a world together,
where the poor are strangers to none,
and the very chains of poverty are broken.

(source: https://www.ssvp.ca/)
Meet the Flock
You know he's our new Campus coordinator, but do you know his interesting factoid?
Your name?
Paul O.
How long have you been a member of our faith community?
I first joined about six years ago when I started my graduate work. But I am now returning after two years away.
How did you choose Canadian Martyrs, and what do you like most about being part of this community?
I got involved in the community through the university.
Your favourite food?
I do not have a favourite food. But food is one of my favourite things. So, there is no simple answer here.
Favourite movie or book?
I especially enjoy modernist literature (e.g. Franny and Zooey, A Farewell to Arms, My Antonia), epics (e.g. Homer, Tolkien), and the plays of Shakespeare (esp. Tragedies and Histories).
Tell us a boring (or interesting!) fact about you?
I've walked the Camino de Santiago twice! If you ever have a month to spare, and miss the feeling of aches and pains, there's nothing I'd recommend more!
This looks practically move-in ready! OK, not really, but drywall is up, and I think I can see a glimmer of light coming at the end of the tunnel! See more pics on our website of the building progress!
Exactly one year today, our new temporary office trailer was delivered, and the ball on the construction of the new student centre really got rolling!

It's amazing to see how much progress has been made over a year, even with the COVID lockdown! Kudos to everyone on the site who've been working like champs!
Last year, many of our students attended CCO’s national young adult conference, Rise Up, in Toronto. This year the gathering is happening virtually on December 28 and 29, and Mac students will be joining other young adults from across Canada and the world at this powerful event. It will feature some incredible speakers and workshops that will unlock our potential as men and women of holiness and mission.
━ Ask Yourself... 
 What a Saint Said...
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
— Coping with the Holidays 
Christmas is an especially difficult season for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. For many, this will be complicated even further when the loss occurred during the COVID-19 shut down. Have you lost a love one and find yourself struggling with the thought of the upcoming Christmas season? Are you trying to figure out how you can cope? We can help: join us on Monday, November 30th at 7 P.M. for a one-hour evening session on Zoom offering reflection and practical strategies for coping at Christmas. To register please call Lena at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249, or register on line at https://hamiltondiocese.com/offices/family-ministry/grief-support/coping-with-the-holidays. We will send a zoom invite by e-mail to all those who have registered the day before the session so you can join by video or phone.

What will you say when you meet God face to face? Better still, what will God say to you? Will you be able to answer that you served faithfully? Can you answer that now? If God is calling you to the priesthood, contact Fr. Michael King, Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton at 905-528-7988 or vocations@hamiltondiocese.com.  

If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

This Week's Intentions

Monday, November 16, 2020
Elizabeth McIntyre
Tuesday, November 17, 2020    
✝Zoran Benasich
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
(Fr. Markus's private Mass)    

✝William & Elizabeth Hobson
Thursday, November 19, 2020    
✝Angelo & Giuseppa Mendolia
Friday, November 20, 2020    
✝Wilfrid Hobson

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.

Book an intention
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Christ the King


32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time