28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

One Heart One Soul • Thanksgiving Food Drive • Happy Thanksgiving • Reading Break • Schedule Change • Meet the Flock • MACSA this week•
Thank you to our campaign volunteers and donors!
Canadian Martyrs is so grateful for parishioners who are reaching out on the One Heart, One Soul Campaign, which is now in full swing. With their help and yours, we've already begun to receive some pledges! It's so encouraging to see some success already, as we know this campaign will strengthen Canadian Martyrs in important ways and help build a culture of stewardship. For the full list of FAQs and much more about the campaign, visit www.oneheartonesoul.ca.
Q. Won’t giving now make it harder for a lot of parishioners?
A. The campaign is founded on stewardship, our belief that we give back in gratitude a portion of what we’ve been given by God. Stewardship isn’t just for the good times in life when we can give easily; it’s for all times, including the bad. We may adjust how much we give, or to whom we give, but we continue to give – in gratitude for and in proportion to what we’ve been given. A truly sacrificial gift demonstrates our trust that God will provide what we need, though not necessarily what we want. Stewardship isn’t what KEEPS us from getting through the tough parts of life; it’s what HELPS us get through them.
Ronald McDonald House gives parents a place to rest and recharge so they have the strength to make decisions and care for their sick child and their family. Part of that is providing meals and refreshments. Canadian Martyrs is holding a food drive for non-perishable goods in support of Ronald McDonald House. They noted a particular need for granola bars, Halloween treats, canned and Mr. Noodle type soups, and single-serve bottles of apple juice. If you are able to, we are accepting donations on Sunday, October 18.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks.

Thank you for all the graces and blessings you have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage, our food and shelter, our health, the loves we have for one another, our family and friends.

Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessings throughout the coming year.

This we ask in the Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.

Reading Break
We wish McMaster students and faculty a restful and restorative reading break! 
Read a little, rest a lot!
Please note that there will be no weekday Mass on Tuesday, October 13. See you Wednesday!
Meet the Flock
This week, we meet Sarah, the current co-president of MACSA!

Your name? Sarah M.
How long have you been a member of our faith community? Since my first year at McMaster in 2017
How did you choose Canadian Martyrs, and what do you like most about being part of this community? I ended up at Canadian Martyrs because it's home to the McMaster Catholic Chaplaincy! My favourite aspect of the community is the opportunity to grow in understanding and living out the faith alongside other community members. I also love the silence and peacefulness of the church and having Jesus' presence so close to my home.
Your favourite food? Anything made with vegetables from someone's garden (preferably tomatoes)
Favourite movie or book? Moana
Tell us a boring (or interesting!) fact about you? I used to be able to immediately say any word backwards, and by the time I was 12 I had the backwards pronunciation of almost every word I knew memorized.
Not much progress has been made on the outside this week, but it looks like the climate control and air conditioning systems have been installed! See more photos on our website!
24 Faith Study groups kicked off this week with their first lesson of the semester! The Holy Spirit has already been very active in the hearts of leaders and participants, drawing them in to begin, renew, or deepen their relationship with Jesus. Pray for these 110 students who are embarking on this journey together, that they grow into the missionary disciples God has made them to be!
━ Ask Yourself... 
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.

How has Jesus touched you and made you whole? Ask Him how He would like you to respond. Could Jesus be calling you to follow Him as a priest? If God is calling you,  contact Fr. Michael King, Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton at 905-528-7988 or vocations@hamiltondiocese.com.  

If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

This Week's Intentions

Sunday, October 04, 2020    
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community
Monday, October 12, 2020 
Father Markus’ private mass)    
no intention booked
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Father Markus’ private mass)     
✞Aga Lulgjuraj
Wednesday, October 14, 2020    
✞Guiseppa & Angelo Mendolia
Thursday, October 15, 2020    
✞Theresa Thaz
Friday, October 16, 2020    
✞Rose Chenem

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.
Book an intention
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29th Sunday in Ordinary Time


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time