27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

IN THIS ISSUE: Adoration • TriChaplaincy Pilgrimage • Meet the Flock • Welcome! • Entry Point Programs...
God bless our campaign, and our parish
If you haven’t already, you should be receiving your One Heart, One Soul Campaign packet in the mail soon. If you have any questions once you’ve read the material, feel free to contact us. We ask you to continue to pray for the success of the campaign, and we will be grateful for any gift you can make! For the full list of FAQs and much more about the campaign, visit www.oneheartonesoul.ca.
Q. How do you determine the pledge amounts that families are asked to consider?
A. Ask amounts are based on a number of factors: planning study results, families’ history of parish support, input from church leadership, and the understanding that for this to be successful it will require sacrificial gifts. In other words, if the amount you are asked for is more than you anticipated, it generally means that you have been a generous supporter of your parish and/or the Diocese and is an indication of the challenge we face in reaching our goal. Through this campaign, we are asking everyone to consider supporting their parish and the Diocese in a meaningful and sacrificial way and in a manner that works well for each family. It is not our intention to offend or embarrass anyone. The amount requested is NOT an expectation. It is an invitation to participate in this project at whatever level that is sacrificial and meaningful to you and your family. We will be grateful for any support you offer.
Q. Does a campaign commitment result in tax benefits?
A. Gifts to the campaign are eligible for charitable tax credits that can significantly reduce the amount of tax you pay. The specific tax credit received is based on the amount of your gift and your taxable income. Donors with specific questions regarding tax benefits should contact their attorney or financial adviser.
Will we see you tonight?
Click the image below to go to the Facebook event page for more information!
Join us in welcoming to our faith community, the newly baptized Liam. May his relationship with God grow stronger with every passing day. Welcome to him and his parents to our faith community!
Meet the Flock
This week, learn a little more about me, the communication and administrative person here at Canadian Martyrs! 

Name: Erin Holmes
How long have you been a member of our faith community: 1 year
Your favourite food: My grandma's perogies and kapusta (braised sauerkraut)
Your favourite movie: Breakfast Club
Tell us a boring (or interesting!) fact about you: I believe that ketchup only belongs on fries, never on a hamburger, or, perish the thought, a hot dog!
How did you choose Canadian Martyrs, and what do you like most about being part of this community?: I work in the office! And I love the way Canadian Martyrs values tradition, while still taking steps to be relevant in a contemporary context.
 Our Alpha and Faith Studies programs have launched to great success! We've had over 100 people sign up for our entry point programs. 
Here's some of that interior progress we mentioned last week! Now we have a ceiling going up in the basement hall area as well! And just look at all that natural light streaming in from the restored basement windows! Stay up to date on our website!
━ Ask Yourself... 
 Have you had to actively look?
 Where you are, there He is...
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
The present pandemic has brought changes that have been stressful for families, but it has also allowed for some positive developments. The pandemic has allowed most people and families more time to relax. Have you taken advantage of the extra time to build family ties? Playing board games or cards, going for walks or hikes, or joining, as a family, to engage with music or art  these are all great ways to relax together! Additional relaxing time also gives us more time to engage as a family in prayer — as we eat together, engage in nighttime bedtime rituals together, or as we take time to offer prayers for our family and those in need. Experiencing these positive times together will help to counteract the stress everyone feels thinking about the safety of those they love.

Listen for the voice of God. Are you being called to be a priest? If God is calling you, contact Fr. Michael King, Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton at 905-528-7988 or vocations@hamiltondiocese.com 

If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

This Week's Intentions

Sunday, October 04, 2020    
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community
Monday, October 05, 2020 
Father Markus’ private mass)    
no intention booked
Tuesday, October 06, 2020    
✞Pashka Lulgjuraj
Wednesday, October 07, 2020    
Intentions of Joseph Mathew
Thursday, October 08, 2020    
Intentions of Matt Mathew
Friday, October 09, 2020    
Intentions of Regy Mathew
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Father Markus’ private mass)    
✞Deceased members of the Maklo, Pretto & Caravaggio Families

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.
Book an intention
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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


One Heart One Soul Launch!