12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

What I tell you in the dark, utter in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim upon the housetops.
In case you missed it, click the banner above to read the special-edition Community Newsletter that covers the strategies we've put in place in order to ensure everyone can attend Mass as a community, as safely as possible.
Canadian Martyrs Church and Chaplaincy announces the sudden death of Fred Morfaw, beloved husband of Laura and devoted father of three young children, two of whom attend Canadian Martyrs school. Fred and Laura faithfully attended the 11:30 mass with their children walking and/or busing a significant distance to get to mass when they first arrived in Canada. Fred’s death is a tragic loss and shock for his family and friends here in Canada and back in Cameroon. Fred and Laura were making a new start for their family, having moved here a couple of years ago from Cameroon, for Fred to complete his schooling at McMaster and become established in Canada, which he did very successfully. Please remember them in your prayers.  If you wish to assist the family in this difficult time, email us and we will pass on information on how to do so. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.

We also ask your prayers for the repose of the soul of Bonnie Finnin, a long time member of Canadian Martyrs Church and Chaplaincy. Bonnie passed away peacefully at her home last week. She was devoted to Our Lady and prayed the rosary faithfully, often more than once a day! Bonnie’s family appreciate your prayers as they mourn her sudden passing. Because of the current health regulations, visitation and funeral mass will be private, as per the family’s wishes. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord. 

God our Father, we give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old.

We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation; May they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith in joy and sacrifice.

We pray for our own fathers around the world whose children are lost or suffering; may they know that the God of compassion walks with them in their sorrow.

We pray for men who are not fathers but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice.

We remember fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love.

And thank you to Fr. Markus, our spiritual father. who reflects the love of God to us on a daily basis.


Join Rachael as she chats with Noah and Rachel, who have recently been received into full communion with the Catholic Church. Listen as they talk about their experience of coming to the Catholic faith, and being welcomed into Canadian Martyrs.
—This Week's Collection—
This week, the difficult decision was made by the C.Y.O. that Camp Marydale does not have the infrastructure required to meet the new Provincial Guidelines and as such, they will not be able to offer programs at all during the summer of 2020. The loss of this and other sources of revenue, will deeply affect the ability of the C.Y.O to fund its many programs and various facilities, and threatens the future of the entire organization. The SLT has elected to extend our donation to the CYO to include this week's collection. If you or your families have stories of attending Camp Marydale or Camp Brebeuf, or of being a counsellor there, we'd love to hear them, and share them with our community!
If you missed last week's video, you can watch it here.
Donate Now!
If you donate online, please be sure to check your junk mail if you haven't received your charitable receipt, as they sometimes get directed there by your email provider.

If you are unable to donate online, you can drop off your envelopes in the mailbox at the Church office on Tuesday between  1 -3 pm, or Thursday morning, from 10 am - 12 pm.

Unbreakable Trust

There is a confidence that comes with knowing we have right standing before God. It enables us to go to Him, boldly, in our time of need. It gives us the ability to trust in Him. It inspires us to love God, not be afraid of God, and to experience true peace and relay that peace to others. So when we are afraid, we can put our trust in God. When anxiety comes our way, we can trust in God. When uncertainty comes knocking, we can turn to our God of Peace. And this peace motivates us to tell everyone around us about the goodness of God and peace He offers. So ask yourself — how should I live in light of that great news?⁠

The Cathedral of Saint Domnius, located in Split, Croatia, and consecrated at the turn of the 7th century AD, is regarded as the oldest Catholic cathedral in the world that remains in use in its original structure, without near-complete renovation at a later date. The structure itself was built in AD 305 as the Mausoleum of Diocletian and remains the second oldest Christian structure still in use.
So now you know!
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.

12th Saturday in Ordinary Time
“Have no fear.” Considering a ministerial vocation is not popular, but it may be what God is calling you to. If God is calling you to the priesthood,  contact Fr. Michael King, Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton at 905-528-7988 or vocations@hamiltondiocese.com.  

If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.

Please rest assured that Fr. Markus is honouring these intentions in his daily private Mass. 

This Week's Intentions
Tuesday, June 23, 2020    
✞Mara Lulgjuraj
Wednesday, June 24, 2020    
✞Sr. Michaleen
Thursday, June 25, 2020    
✞Dorothy Krynicki
Friday, June 26, 2020    
✞Joseph Meneok & Deborah Meneok Lanktree
Saturday, June 27, 2020    
✞Joseph & Louise Maklo

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.
Book an intention
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13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Welcome Back! (Special Edition)