5th Sunday in Ordinary time

...he cured many who were sick...
February 9,10,11: Catholic Cafe
February 10: St. Scholastica
February 12: Fridays with Father
The ‘usual suspects’ aren’t the only ones wanting to enter the church these days!  Our RCIA program has begun, and we have 3 amazing candidates hoping to be fully initiated into our Catholic faith this Easter.  Please pray for them as they meet each Saturday over the next 8 weeks, for the team members, and all who will support them on their journey to share fully the faith we love. The Holy Spirit is truly alive, drawing others, drawing us to know the gift of discipleship!

Last week, Fr. Markus' spoke about "Foundations in Prayer" referring to the time he spent on retreat. We will have another one for you tomorrow! 
Click the graphic to see all the available reflections!
Join our community in visiting other parish communities, virtually!  
So much good is happening throughout the church in this time of need and so we will be offering live-stream feeds and websites from other parishes throughout this time of lockdown, in addition to Fr. Markus' Sunday Reflection.  Join us in finding the Lord in so many places, until we can come to our spiritual home again!
St. Joseph Basilica, Edmonton, Alberta
February 7, 12:30 pm
Watch Here
Saint Michaels, Grand Forks, North Dakota
February 7, 8:30 am
Watch Here
Also, Mass from the Cathedral Basilica will be televised on Cable 14 at 2:00 p.m. on Sundays.
Our mission continues!  Great thanks to all for your continuing contributions, especially those who have signed up for recurring donations through our website.  We continue to need your support.  For those who prefer to donate through weekly envelopes, these can be dropped off at the office trailer mailbox, between 11 am & 4 pm, on Wednesdays or Saturdays.
In Commission, the final faith study, we learn St. Paul’s model of spiritual multiplication through 2 Timothy 2:2: “And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well.”

We have been entrusted with a great task of making missionary disciples of all nations. More and more people are drawn to Christ because those whose lives are transformed by Jesus are unable to contain their hope and desire for others’ lives to be transformed too.

Please keep praying as we proclaim the gospel, equip one another for lives of holiness and mission, and are commissioned to bring the heart of Christ to the rest of the world.


Your name?
Luisa C.

How long have you been a member of our faith community?
Since September 2018

How did you choose Canadian Martyrs, and what do you like most about being part of this community?
I am the parish bookkeeper

Your favourite food?
Nice plate of homemade pasta

Favourite movie or book?
Ten Commandments followed by the Avengers series

Tell us a boring (or interesting!) fact about you?
I have been married for 32 years to my husband Rudy, we have 3 wonderful adult children. My oldest son got married in Sept 2019. We have lived in Stoney Creek all our lives. Once my children entered University I was looking for something else more fulfilling to do with my time. I was an active member within my parish community but wanted more of a connection. Once I heard about the position as bookkeeper here at Canadian Martyrs becoming available, I knew I had to apply! And the rest is history, I am really enjoying my time in this community.
The tile is going in! This kind of finishing work really means that we are in the home stretch! Check out the other pics on our website of the building progress!
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.
This Week's Intentions
Sunday, February 07, 2021
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community
Monday, February 08, 2021
Intentions of Sophia Uhlenhoff
Tuesday, February 09, 2021
Intentions of Bishop Crosby, OMI
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
✝Gerard Wilkinson
Thursday, February 11, 2021
✝Frank O'Meara
Friday, February 12, 2021
✝Benedetta Samarelli
Saturday, February 13, 20201
No Intentions Booked

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends. Any intentions noted above that fall on days where there is no public Mass will still be remembered in a private Mass.
Book an intention
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH Two kinds of love are on display in the month of February this year – one on Valentine’s Day celebrating romantic love and one on Feb. 17th, Ash Wednesday, celebrating the infinite love of a merciful God. When we recognize the depth of God’s love, so powerful that nothing can separate us from it, we feel secure that God is always with us. Both these loves are important and this is a great month to help children understand that God is responsible for both. Talk to them about how He created us to want to be in relationships, care about others and love important people in our lives. Help them to understand that the six weeks of Lent ends with the celebration Easter. Easter, the day we rejoice over Christ’s resurrection and through his love, our ability to spend eternity in Heaven.
Welcome to a series hosted by Father Michael King! There are 4 episodes, and each episode features an interview with a Diocesan priest and explores their journey towards priesthood.
Watch Here
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6th Sunday of Ordinary Time


4th Sunday in Ordinary time