Movie night, Coffee Sunday & a Potluck Dinner! We can keep you busy this week!

Movie night, Coffee Sunday & a Potluck Dinner! We can keep you busy this week!
This Week's Readings
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:15 pm
Sunday Mass: 11:30 am & 8:00 pm
Mar 8: International Women's Day / Movie Night: American Women Saints (Elizabeth Ann Seton & Frances Xavier Cabrini) // Mar 9: Sole Warmer (Sock Drive) / Coffee Sunday / Rite of Election / DST begins // Mar 11: Stations of the Cross/Community Potluck Dinner// Mar 12: Morning Prayer (& Breakfast) / RCIA // Mar 13: AdorationWomen's Ministry/Men's Ministry // Mar 14: Adoration
Join us for our Lenten Mission, where we’ll reflect on Christian Hope. Our guest homilist, Fr. Patrick Ohl will offer insights to deepen our journey through Lent. READ MORE ➵ 
The parishes of the Diocese of Hamilton unite to pray for victims of sexual abuse across our country and around the world on the Second Sunday of Lent. READ MORE ➵ 
Coffee Sunday this Sunday, March 9 after the 11:30 Mass! We welcome donations of light bites, and hands to help serve! 
Fr. Gregory celebrates a birthday this week! May this year be filled with blessings, joy, and strength in his vocation. If you see him at Mass, be sure to wish him a happy birthday!
On Tuesday we celebrated a lively Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner, made with love by the Chaplaincy Student Executive Committee! READ MORE ➵
The parish office will be closed from March 11–15. Regular hours will resume on March 18.

📖 Curious about Fr. Gregory's insights? Attend Mass this week to hear the rest of the homily and gain a deeper understanding of God’s word. See you at Mass! 🙏
This week's theme:
The Biblical Way of the Cross

Spend an evening with us at a CWL-hosted movie night in celebration of International Women’s Day! RSVPs appreciated!  READ MORE ➵ 
Help us keep toes toasty and warm some soles! Let's sock it to the wet and cold weather! Drop off new socks at any of the Masses on March 8/9! We’ll collect throughout the week.
Join us for a  potluck dinner in Newman Hall. Bring your favorite dish to share, and let's feast together in the spirit of community and good eats! RSVP HERE➵
Parishioners are invited to join us for a Synodal Meeting, a gathering focused on practicing synodal listening. Booklets will be distributed this weekend! READ MORE & RSVP ➵
In this episode of Movies with Soul, Father explores Calvary, a gripping and thought-provoking film that mirrors Christ’s Passion. WATCH HERE ➵

If you would like to have a Mass celebrated on behalf of a loved one, please contact the office, or submit a request online to have that intention put into the calendar. 
Current Week's Intentions 
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Second Sunday of Lent


It's almost Lent, and we have so many plans to share with you!!