It's almost Lent, and we have so many plans to share with you!!

It's almost Lent, and we have so many plans to share with you!!
This Week's Readings
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:15 pm
Sunday Mass: 11:30 am & 8:00 pm
Mar 2: Faith Formation Group // Mar 4: Student Dinner (& Night Prayer) // Mar 5: Ash Wednesday Mass // Mar 6: Diocesan University Chaplaincies meeting / Women's Ministry / First Communion Parent Information Night / Men's Ministry / Adoration // Mar 7: World Day of Prayer / Catholic Cafe / AdorationFirst Friday
Thank you for your continued support of our ministry.
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5! Join us for Mass and the distribution of ashes as we enter this season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust"
Coffee Sunday on Sunday, March 9 after the 11:30 Mass! We welcome donations of light bites, and helpful hands to serve! 
Help us keep toes toasty and warm some soles! Let's sock it to the wet and cold weather! Drop off new socks at any of the Masses on March 9/10! We’ll collect throughout the week.
Join us for a  potluck dinner in Newman Hall. Bring your favorite dish to share, and let's feast together in the spirit of community and good eats! RSVP HERE➵
We invite all parents of CMCES children preparing for First Communion to this second essential session of our Parent Information and Formation Night. 
How to Lent is a new series from the Augustine Institute that aims to equip Catholics with the tools to understand and practice the pillars of Lent. READ MORE ➵ 
📖 Curious about Fr. Gregory's insights? Attend Mass this week to hear the rest of the homily and gain a deeper understanding of God’s word. See you at Mass! 🙏
This Lent, we’re adding an extra opportunity for prayer and reflection. Take some time in the quiet presence of Christ to deepen your Lenten journey.
Join us for our Lenten Mission, where we’ll take time to reflect on Christian Hope together. READ MORE ➵ 
Spend an evening with us at a CWL-hosted movie night in celebration of International Women’s Day! READ MORE ➵ 
This First Saturday, we pray for the intentions of those who support our parish. May God bless them abundantly!
What does it mean to truly live out our faith? This week, we got a powerful reminder over pizza and good conversation. READ MORE ➵
On Thursday, February 27, at the February “Going Deeper,” Fr. Gregory led us in prayerful reflection and discussion about a Catholic approach to morality! READ MORE➵
Let us examine our own hearts before guiding others—so that what overflows from us is grace, not bitterness.
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated on behalf of a loved one, please contact the office, or submit a request online to have that intention put into the calendar. 
Current Week's Intentions 
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Movie night, Coffee Sunday & a Potluck Dinner! We can keep you busy this week!


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