1st Sunday of Lent

Monthly Budget Report // Lent Events // Synod // Tax Receipt info // Evenings with His Excellency
Many of our community members have responded so generously over the past month to the needs of our community, we thank you!




Thank you for your generosity!
Finance Council Meeting
The Finance Council meets on Thursday, March 10 to review the financial status and health of Canadian Martyrs. Please keep the members in prayer as good stewardship of our financial resources allows for the mission and ministries of our faith community to flourish.
MARCH 6, 2022
MARCH 13, 2022
The Lenten Synod Process starts this Sunday, with the first in Father Markus's Synod preparation series "Encounter". Read more ➵
If you had been to the student centre recently, you would have noticed a large puzzle being actively worked on by members of the student chaplaincy.
Idle hands, and all that...
Well, after literal months of work on it, it was finally completed, and the honour of placing the last piece was given to Father Markus...
Community Dinner

Such a great turnout for last week's community dinner! Over a trio of delicious stews (beef/ chicken/ vegetarian), we welcomed some new faces, and hope you had a chance to meet someone new at the dinner as well! 

See photos from the event 📷 

2021 Tax Receipt Information

  • If you have given to Canadian Martyrs using envelopes, you should have received your tax receipts via snail-mail already. Please let us know if not.
  • If you donated to the One Heart One Soul campaign, and are looking for your tax receipts, they have also been mailed, and you should have already received them. If not, please contact Rosalinda at the Diocese.
  • If you donated through CanadaHelps, please visit their website to download your tax receipts. 
Evenings with His Excellency

Interested in learning more about our Catholic Faith? Join Bishop Lobsinger for “Evenings with His Excellency” and methodically go through the “Catechism of the Catholic Church”.    If you are unable to attend in person, the Evenings will be live-streamed as well! 

Friday, March 11, 2022
7:00 PM  to 8:30 PM

Watch the live stream here 🎥

We are halfway through the RCIA course – five more weeks to go! At this stage, we moving on from the sacramental economy and will be turning our attention to the Christian way of life: prayer, the moral life, social justice, and more! Please continue to keep our RCIA candidates in your prayers.
Join us in person at 9:30 am, 11:30 am or 8:00 pm for Mass on Sunday!
Watch the 11:30 am live stream  
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated on behalf of a loved one, please contact the office to have that intention put into the calendar. 
Current Week's Intentions 
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Walking Together as a Church in Lent (Week 2) LIsten


A Message from Fr. Markus: Capacity Limits Lifting