A Message from Fr. Markus: Capacity Limits Lifting

A message from Fr. Markus re: capacity limits lifting

February 27, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
So many efforts have been made over the past years(!) to ensure the safety and possibility for worship together, at church, in our hall, and in your homes.  We are so grateful to all who have contributed, and the patience and understanding exercised, as we have adapted and followed guidelines and the science in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.  
Long-hoped-for news arrived from the Diocese, the government and science authorities this week that it is now safe to reopen our worship space without capacity limits.  While we know each person will need time to adjust and become comfortable with this reality, it is our hope that we can continue to walk together as we adapt to these new circumstances.  
Starting March 2, Ash Wednesday, we will no longer have capacity limits in our church.  This means that all pews will be open, though we will still try to space everyone in such a way that all are comfortable.  If you have particular concerns, please let us know at the doors of the church so that we can be mindful of this as we find a place for you.  Also know that we will continue to run a simulcast of the Mass in our hall, for anyone wishing to utilize the extra space it affords.  Our live stream will also continue for those who remain unable to join us in person.
Communion will continue to be distributed for the time being in the manner of the past months, and the opportunity for those who wish to receive on the tongue will still be requested as taking place at the end of the communion line.
Holy Water will return to the fonts at the doors of the church, after two years of “holy” sanitizer as the norm!  That being said, use the Holy Water according to your own comfort.  Sanitizer will still be available front and centre at the doors of the church and hall.
Our offertory (collection) baskets, will remain at the doors of the church. Thank you to all for your contributions, especially those who have been so faithful, dropping off envelopes at the office, and signing up for automatic giving through CanadaHelps.  It has been such an encouragement to receive your support during this difficult time.
Finally, know that we are here for you, and glad to receive any feedback you may have.  We know this takes effort to adapt to and trust in the guidelines given.  As we have done our best to trust in the guidance throughout the pandemic, so also now let us strive together to adapt, and indeed to pray this will signal the opportunity for all to come together before the Altar of the Lord.
Be assured always of my prayers, and those of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
In Christ,

Fr Bradley T. Markus
and the SLT

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