Palm Sunday

Truly this man was God’s Son!
As you may have already heard, Hamilton will be moving to the grey lockdown stage of COVID restrictions. Please note that this does not affect our ability to maintain public Masses. We have already been limiting our attendance to a number that allows for physical distancing, as per the provincial directives.
Over the past 8 weeks, the RCIA team has had the privilege of accompanying four people through their discernment to our Catholic faith, providing spiritual support for the journey and connection to our faith community. It has been a time of prayer, meditation and preparation for the final rites of initiation and the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion, which will take place on the evening of Holy Saturday, during the Easter Vigil. Please keep them in your prayers, as they prepare to move forward with their decision to join the Church, to deepen their personal faith, and to grow in their relationship with God.
📷: Bishop Lobsinger and Father Markus the last evening of the Lenten Mission, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord

Just getting to see those beautiful vestments was a treat, let alone the opportunity to hear the culmination of Bishop Lobsinger's mission talks on St. Joseph! Did you get to attend in person? Or did you watch the live stream? If you've never had a chance to hear Bishop Lobsinger speak, (or even if you have) you really should check out the recordings of the Mission! They'll only be available online for a limited time! Click here to watch!
(To be honest, the audio on night 1 was a little dodgy, but nights 2 and 3 were great quality; give them a watch!)

Palm Sunday
9:30 am Latin • 11:30 am English • 8:00 pm English
Holy Thursday
7:00 pm
Good Friday
3:00 pm
Holy Saturday
8:00 pm
Easter Sunday
9:30 am Latin • 11:30 am English • 8:00 pm English

Because of attendance limits in place due to Hamilton's provincially-mandated Grey-zone designation of COVID restrictions, please be sure to come early to ensure you are able to get a seat!

We will be live streaming our Holy Week Liturgies, beginning with Holy Thursday. You can watch them on our website at
Today, we celebrate our faith community’s Witness Sunday!

In preparation for this, we ask you to reflect on how the Lord has moved in your heart this past year. How have you felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in your own life, in your day-to-day activities? How have you been called to a deeper relationship with God?
During the Palm Sunday liturgies this weekend we invite you, in a special way, to give witness to the movement of the Lord in your life this past year, and receive a special blessing!

 This week's Sunday Reflection is ready for you! Watch here!
Our mission continues!  Great thanks to all for your continuing contributions, especially those who have signed up for recurring donations through our website.  We continue to need your support.  For those who prefer to donate through weekly envelopes, these can be dropped off at Mass on Sunday, or to the office trailer mailbox, between 11 am & 4 pm, on Wednesdays or Saturdays.
The Lenten Mission gave us a great opportunity to connect in-person and online, and to tune into the reality of this Year of St. Joseph and the closing of Lent. Diving deeper into the richness of St. Joseph’s life allowed us to reflect on our own lives, and how we live out faithfulness, obedience, humility, and the other virtues St. Joseph emulated. Recognizing areas for growth and areas that God has already worked in us reminds us of our need for Jesus to save us, and prepares us for the coming of Easter.
In collaboration with the CWL, Canadian Martyrs is hosting a food drive to benefit the Good Shepherd Emergency Food Program. On Sunday, March 28, at each of the Masses, we invite you to bring non-perishable food items and personal care items for donation. We will set up an area within the church for you to leave your donations, but if you prefer you may leave them on the front steps.  Thank you for your generosity!
We have doors on the bathrooms now! We inch ever closer to getting rid of that port-o-potty! Check out the other pics on our website of the building progress!
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.
This Week's Intentions
Sunday, March 28, 2021
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community
Monday, March 29, 2021
✝Joseph Oswald Enright
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Intentions of All Priests
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
✝Roger Pretto & Armando Caravaggio
Thursday, April 01, 2021
Deceased Pastors of our Church & McMaster Chaplaincy
Saturday, April 03, 2021
For the Needs and Intentions of our Faith Community

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends. Any intentions noted above that fall on days where there is no public Mass will still be remembered in a private Mass.
Book an intention
Click the banner above to read Bishop Crosby's latest Heart to Heart.
Parenting Tip of the Month Tip 128: The amount of time spent together as a family during COVID might be considered by some to be too much, but it may also be filling a real need. Past research has shown that children consistently identify a desire to spend more time with their parents and family. Time for them means direct, active engagement. The long-term benefits to family relationships are proven: children grow up healthier in mind, body and spirit. Enjoying quality time with their family’s means children are more likely to turn to their family for love and support, keeping them healthy. So play with your kids, watch a movie together and discuss its message(s), pray together, be active together, cook together and/or clean together; the possibilities are endless. So remember, time with family is powerful when it is interactive, shared by all and fun!
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Last Week of Lent


Fast & Feast (Lent week 5: Almsgiving)