Good Shepherd
This week, Good Shepherd will be the recipient of our 10% tithe. Inspired by the Hospitality of St. John of God and rooted in Catholic teachings, Good Shepherd provides person-centred health, housing, and human services. Watch Sr. Mary as she goes on a small walking tour of some of their facilities here in downtown Hamilton!
Ronald McDonald House
Sister Mary has a few words to say about the recipient of this week’s collection tithe!
7 Ways to Fully Embrace Celebrating Mass at Home
Since we are not currently able to gather publically to participate in Mass, we’d like to offer these tips on ways to more intentionally engage in Mass, and unite with us, the whole community of the faithful, in prayer.
Ask Us Anything: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
A few weeks ago, we put out a call for questions. A very interesting one came in, and the Senior Leadership team asked Rachel Knight-Messenger, as a member of the Canadian Martyr's community, to tackle it. Rachel has a Ph.D. in systemic theology with a focus on ecological theology and Catholic ethics.
Immigrants Working Centre
Fr. Markus lets us know where this week’s tithe from our weekly collection will be directed.
Message from the SLT
It's Holy Thursday, and our Church is entering into the most sacred time of our Liturgical year. In this unprecedented reality, as we all search for new ways to enter into the Triduum and to stay connected with our Lord and one another, the Senior Leadership Team has a special message for you!
Help us support children and families in need...
Father Markus speaks to us from Canadian Martyrs Church, with updates on last weekend’s donations, and where this week’s "tithe" will go! Be sure to scroll down past the video to read Fr. Markus’s letter for more information.
Transitions on the Senior Leadership Team
Some important news regarding upcoming transitions in the Senior Leadership Team at Canadian Martyrs Church & Chaplaincy.
Help us support frontline healthcare workers...
Once you’ve seen the video, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the post to see Fr. Markus’s letter.