Holy Orders
This sacrament is for those who choose to become a priest, bishop or deacon. Through ordination, they are able to perform sacred duties and serve the church community. A man must first be ordained a deacon before being ordained a priest, and a priest before being ordained a bishop.
When priests are ordained, they are conferred with the sacramental power to baptize, confirm, witness marriages, absolve sins, and consecrate the Eucharist. When a priest becomes a Bishop, he is also conferred with the sacramental power to ordain. Deacons can baptize, witness marriages, preach, and assist during the mass, but they cannot consecrate the Eucharist or hear confessions.
Whether you are discerning a call to the priesthood or consecrated life or supporting a friend or family member pursuing a vocation, the Vocations Office of the Hamilton Diocese will provide spiritual guidance and ongoing support.
If God is calling you to be a priest, religious or deacon, contact Fr. Mark Morley, Vocations Director, Diocese of Hamilton (905-528-7988). vocations@hamiltondiocese.com www.hamiltondiocese.com/vocations/