January Announcements

 REEL JUSTICE FILM FESTIVAL Join us January 23, 2025, 7:00 – 9:00 PM for She Rises Up, a revealing look at the power of women’s economic participation. The film follows radically different women from Sri Lanka, Peru, and Senegal who are working to build businesses, create job opportunities for women, and contribute to the reduction of poverty in their communities. Film Director, Maureen Castle Tusty and Executive Producer James Tusty will join us as guest speakers. In 2008, they founded Sky Films Inc. to produce documentary films that inform, uplift, and inspire. The screening and discussion will be hosted online via Zoom. Register and view our full schedule of events at: https://hamiltondiocese.com/reel-justice-film-festival/ A partnership between the Bishop Farrell Library & Archives and Development and Peace, the Reel Justice Film Festival shines a spotlight on issues of social, political, and economic injustices.

YOUNG ADULTS NIGHT Fr. Mark Morley invites all young adults (ages 20s and 30s) of our diocese to attend an evening of prayer, fellowship and praise music in support of your vocations on Saturday, February 1st .  The Young Adults Night includes a Holy Hour (6:30pm-7:30 pm), social with food (7:30pm-8:00pm), praise night with vocations testimony (8:00pm-9:00pm), and Compline (9:00pm) on Saturday, February 1st at the St. Michael’s Church (80 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON). Sponsored by the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Hamilton: https://hamiltondiocese.com/vocations/ For more information, please contact: vocations@hamiltondiocese.com 

THE DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS – SAVE THE DATE! Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2025?  Then you are cordially invited to join Bishop Crosby and couples from across the Diocese of Hamilton for a Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 1, 2025, at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton at 1:30 pm. (Space allows room for Anniversary couples only - those married 60 years or more may bring one guest if you require assistance). Registration will be available online in January at hamiltondiocese.com. 

PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH Parenting Tip #165  Family time matters, as much when our children age as when they are young. It helps to ensure this happens by building traditions that everyone partakes in regularly. Traditions that everyone looks forward to and enjoys - pizza and movie nights, a special breakfast after attending Mass, games night – anything that brings you together for fun will do. The emotional health of children with these kinds of connections is stronger throughout their lifetime. As a family, plan your together time weekly and remember to share meals together daily, whichever meal of the day that has to be. With a solid family foundation, your connectedness can and will stay intact as your children grow older.  (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office; 905-528-7988 ext. 2250)

MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH Marriage Tip #145 January is a perfect time to sit together as a couple with a good cup of coffee or hot chocolate and do a little year in review. Did we spend enough time with each other and with our families? What went well for us and where do we recognize challenges? Discuss how these things could be better in 2025 and commit to making it happen for your couple relationship. A little marriage reflection and tune-up can keep the sparks alive! (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office; 905-528-7988 ext. 2250)

RESTART: Refresh, Renew, Revive – Struggling after divorce or separation? Join us for learning, support and fun on a Friday evenings. Held the 2nd & 3rd Fridays of each month. These get-togethers offer continual support and insights for people as they journey through the divorce/separation process and beyond. Join in-person (700 King St. West, Hamilton), or by ZOOM. Register for the sessions here: https://sites.google.com/view/hamilton-restart/home, or contact Sarah at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249 or familyministry@hamiltondiocese.com, or if you plan to attend in person and for the zoom link if joining online. We look forward to seeing you!

SUPPORT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE – Does your marriage feel like it is more trouble than joy, does it feel stagnant or disconnected? Is it causing you constant stress?  The solution is Retrouvaille – whose one purpose is to help couples restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship.  This is a practical program, where sharing is not required except between the couple themselves. It is designed to improve communication, build stronger marriages, and help couples reconnect. For struggling couples, including those who may be considering separation or divorce.  The next Retrouvaille weekend is March 7-9, 2025.  For more information call 905-664-5212 or email 1013r@helpourmarriage.org.

JUBILEE OF HOPE, 2025 The Diocese of Hamilton joins the celebration of the Global Church in this Ordinary Jubilee Year, 2025, as “Pilgrims of Hope!”  All invited to journey through this year drawing closer to God through prayer, service and experiences of renewal.  Six churches have been designated as pilgrimage sites across the Diocese, welcoming you as a visitor over the course of the Jubilee to come and pray.  Resources, information and locations of the pilgrimage sites are all available on the Diocesan Website: www.hamiltondiocese.com.  

On December 29, 2024, the Feast of the Holy Family the Jubilee Year was inaugurated in our Cathedral Church and all parishes in the Diocese of Hamilton.   

Each month in the Diocese of Hamilton, we will pray for Heros of Hope – those members of our parishes and communities who offer hope to those in need by their ministries and service.  During January, we pray for those who serve in Parish Ministries:


Lord God, by the grace of our baptism, 

you have given us new life in Christ and called us to serve as pilgrims of hope.


We pray in thanksgiving for those who have responded to your call 

to be leaders in our parish community 

and for the volunteers who dedicate their gifts 

for the building up of your Church 

and the service of their sisters and brothers.


Through their varied ministries, 

may they touch the hearts of all in our community 

who long for the hope, born of our Christian faith, 

that never disappoints.


We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Heroes of Hope


National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples