Forward Together in Christ: Canadian Martyrs Delegation

Forward Together in Christ is the Diocese of Hamilton’s engagement with implementing the values of Synodality. Gary Warner participated, along with several other members of Canadian Martyrs. Here is his experience of the recent diocesan gathering.

I was one of the 6 Canadian Martyrs representatives at the “Forward Together with Christ” consultation held at St. Raphael Parish in Burlington on November 11. The assembly of over 100 priests, religious and lay people, gathered around tables of 8, was moderated by Bishop Lobsinger. The agenda, which resulted from a series of meetings of priests, permanent deacons and lay pastoral staff, focused on seven action areas: laity, communication/relationships, catechesis, schools, hospitality/outreach, liturgy, and clergy care.

There were lively discussions at every table. We all will have brought away different reflections from that day's consultation, depending on the discussions at our table and the thoughts and perspectives that are top of mind for us.  Themes that stood out for me from my table’s discussion included the need for pastors to draw out the valuable assets that parishioners represent and conversely for parishioners to assume their responsibility in building the faith community; deepening the faith education of parishioners; the importance of youth ministry, of building strong relationships between Catholic schools and the parish; using effective communication tools and creating welcoming parish communities; meaningful homilies that connect with the lived experience of parishioners. I look forward to the summary that emerges from this round of consultations.

Stay tuned for further news about how as a parish we will engage with synodality! 


Separated/Divorced Support Group Waterloo


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