The Real Me: Drawing Teens Out of the Shadows (Amoris Laetitia Speaker Series)

April 26, 2022 from 7:00-8:30 PM

The Real Me: Drawing Teens Out of the Shadows

Presenter: Roy Petitfils

Roy Petitfils has spent his life helping teens so they will not feel invisible and will provide insights into how parents/teachers/parish staff/others can help ensure no child ever feels this way. He will also provide practical and experiential antidotes on how to assist teens to feel empowered, supported and strong enough so they can come out of the shadows and thrive in their lives.

Roy Petitfils is an internationally recognized expert in understanding and raising teenagers. He is a therapist at Pax Renewal Center in Lafayette, Louisiana. He holds a Masters in Mental Health and School Counseling from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. Roy is an internationally sought-after speaker who uses humour, passion, and clinical and life experience to help adults connect with teens and teens to know, understand and love themselves.

He has authored, What Teens Want You to Know (But Won’t Tell You), A Practical Guide to High School Campus Ministry (St. Mary’s Press, 2007), What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About the First Five Years of Marriage (St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2010) and God Wears Running Shoes: Spiritual Reflections for Those Ministering to Young People (2009).



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