So much has happened over the last couple of weeks! Check out this week’s ebulletin for all the pictures and recaps!!

So much happened over the last couple of weeks! Read the ebulletin for all the pictures and recaps!!
This Week's Readings
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:15 pm
Sunday Mass: 11:30 am & 8:00 pm
Mar 23: First Rite of Scrutiny /Faith Formation Group / First Reconciliation / Synodal Gathering: Forward Together in Christ // Mar 25: Stations of the Cross/Student Dinner (& Night Prayer)/ Annunciation of the Lord // Mar 26: Morning Prayer (& Breakfast) // Mar 27: Going Deeper: Living the Spiritual Life / Adoration // Mar 28: Adoration
We were blessed and honoured to have Fr. Patrick Ohl from the Guelph Chaplaincy come and lead us in our Lenten Mission, where he spoke on Christian Hope. READ MORE ➵ 
As we continue our Lenten journey, we offer this Penitential Meditation for moments of quiet reflection. READ MORE ➵ 
On March 9th, our catechumens Andy, Ejiofor, Elliot and Aiden attended the Rite of Election celebrated by Bishop Crosby at the Cathedral of Christ the King.  READ MORE ➵ 
Our church’s stained glass windows are a beautiful part of our worship space. To preserve them, we have begun an important restoration project. READ MORE ➵ 
A professional dance teacher from our parish generously gave of her time to lead Women’s Ministry in an introduction to Latin dance and ballet! READ MORE ➵ 
Our Maintenance Coordinator, Rob, will be moving on from the role at the end of April, and we want to take a moment to thank him for his hard work and dedication in keeping our parish running smoothly.  READ MORE ➵ 
📖 Curious about Dcn. Andrew's insights? Attend Mass this week to hear the rest of the homily and gain a deeper understanding of God’s word. See you at Mass! 🙏
The weekend of March 15, 28 students from the Chaplaincy gathered at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre for the annual Winter Leadership Retreat. READ MORE ➵ 
This Week's Theme:
Everyone's Way of the Cross

On March 11, we had our Community Potluck.  We enjoyed great food and even better company!   READ MORE ➵ 
We received a beautiful thank-you card from the moms and littles at Regina’s Place, the families who benefited from Mary’s Baby Shower. READ MORE ➵
The community was pleased to welcome back our former 11:30 Sunday Mass music ministers, Kathleen and Jesse LeBlanc, and their children to the March 9 Coffee Sunday! READ MORE ➵ 
Thank you to all who joined the CWL Movie Night for American Women Saints! Special thanks to the CWL for hosting. Join us May 8 for The Story of Possum Trot! READ MORE ➵ 

Sin is a wound; repentance is a medicine.

If you would like to have a Mass celebrated on behalf of a loved one, please contact the office, or submit a request online to have that intention put into the calendar. 
Current Week's Intentions 
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Faith, Fellowship, and Events: Your Weekly Update


Second Sunday of Lent