4th Sunday of Advent

🕯🕯🕯🕯Fourth Sunday of Advent
Please see below for Christmas Masses.
Dec 21: Catholic Cafe //Dec 24: Christmas Eve
No advance registration is required to attend any of the Christmas Masses, but we do recommend you arrive early, to ensure you get a seat!
Thank you for remembering us in prayer as we met for our offsite meeting early this week! We met at Mount Mary for the day!

Each year Canadian Martyrs has a Tree of Remembrance honouring those who were baptized into the family of God, and those from our community who entered into eternal life. Read more ➵
The last Undergrad dinner of the year was a special one of celebration; a celebration of a semester of fellowship, outreach, fun, and great food and company! Thank you to everyone who came out, who helped out, and especially this week to the CWL who hosted! Read more ➵
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please contact the office to have that intention put into the calendar. 
This Week's Intentions 
The 2022 Sunday Offering envelopes will be ready for pick up after Mass on Sunday, December 26. Please see Sr. Mary for your envelopes.
Many hands make light work, and that was the theme of the day last weekend! The response to our call for volunteers was fantastic. We were able to get so much accomplished, and are so grateful for all the help we had! Read more ➵
Mary's Baby Shower
Thank you to everyone who donated! Your gifts will ensure a happier Christmas for mothers in need this year!
Read more ➵
Join us in person at 9:30 am, 11:30 am or 8:00 pm for Mass this Sunday!
Watch the live stream  

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Christmas Blessings!


Gaudete Sunday