32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

🥘 Wishing Father safe travels!
The 40 Hours Devotion was an incredible experience of grace and blessing.
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On October 29th, our CCO Connect missionary, Megan Kenny came to visit us at the student centre!
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To all our young adults 18 to 35 years old, you're invited to encounter Jesus at the Catholic Christian Outreach "Rise Up" Conference on January 6-8, 2022.
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If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please contact the office to have that intention put into the calendar.  This Week's Intentions 
DST ends this Sunday! Don't forget to fall back!
Safe travels to Bishop Lobsinger, Fr. Markus, and Fr. Edmonstone as they journey to Spain for visitation with the diocesan seminarians, including our own alumnus Josh Osoria. 
On November 11th, Canadians will pause in silence to remember those who died in war and pray for the victims of aggression and inhumanity throughout the world.
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Last Thursday's undergrad dinner featured tacos! The students planned this menu, and are taking care of the next one also (Thursday, November 11). What do you think should be on the menu?

Join us in person at 9:30 am, 11:30 am or 8:00 pm for Mass this Sunday!
Watch the live stream 

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33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


31st Sunday in Ordinary Time