he will ... gather his wheat into the granary, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.

"... you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
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Advent • 8pm MassMary's Baby ShowerCondolences • Alpha • Good Shepherd • Vocation Seeds • From the Diocese • Did You Know?Mass IntentionsHoliday Schedule • Liturgy Schedule

This Sunday is the Second of Advent, and we are nearing the coming of Jesus. There's so much going on this time of year, so be sure to read through this update so that you don't miss anything! 
This coming Sunday marks the Second Sunday of Advent. On this evening, if you are using the traditional Advent Wreath, you would light your send purple candle, the faith candle. It is sometimes called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem. 
The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him,
    the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
    the spirit of counsel and might,
    the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
    His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.

Isaiah 11:2
Which of the gifts of the Holy Spirit do you best demonstrate in your own life? Which gift do you need to ask for God's grace in order to make more present in your life? Which gift do you most need today?
This Advent, as we start the new liturgical year, we will begin using a new Mass Setting for the sung parts of the Mass, called Mass of Communion, composed by Matt Maher. Our music minister, Jesse LeBlanc, has recorded them so that you can listen at home and become more familiar with them. (Complete with a little baby voice in the background! :) ) Click here to listen to and download the new Mass Setting! 
We're your last chance...
2,000 years ago,  Mary found herself in a tough situation as she prepared to give birth to Jesus in difficult circumstances. She responded with grace and generosity, even though things were challenging! In honor of our Blessed Mother Mary, let us assist brave women in our own communities who choose life, despite the seemingly insurmountable difficulties they may face. We welcome you to leave gifts for new moms in need on December 14th and 15th. We will have boxes set up under the statue of Mary in the church for your donations. May we suggest donations of diapers, wipes, onesies, blankets, small toys and books.  Your generous donations will be given to Regina's Place-Good Shepherd and distributed to marginalized and disadvantaged new moms in the Hamilton area.
Our deepest condolences and prayers to Father Freitas of St. Michaels in Waterloo, and his family, on the passing of his mother. 
Eternal rest, grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Our most recent Alpha session is coming to a close this Sunday, December 10th at 9:30 am! We invite you all to attend the Celebration Breakfast concluding the current Alpha Course. It also serves as an introduction to the next course which will be starting soon. 

The Christmas Gift That Keeps On Giving
Honour a friend or a loved one this Christmas season by making an In Honour donation to Good Shepherd. This is the perfect gift to acknowledge the important people in your life. Your gift is truly blessed – it recognizes someone special, it helps someone less fortunate in our community and it benefits you as the donor with a tax receipt. Consider making a meaningful gift for all the wonderful people on your Christmas list. Good Shepherd will send a Christmas card to the person you wish to honour acknowledging your thoughtfulness. 

Donations can be made online at www.goodshepherdcentres.ca or by phone at 905.57.ANGEL (26435). We will also have cards available for you to take with you. You will find them on the tables at the entrances to the Church.


Second Sunday of Advent – December 8, 2019

"The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.”
Could God be calling you to be a priest in order to help our world of today to truly “prepare the way of the Lord”? If God is calling you, contact Fr. Michael King, Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton at 905-528-7988 o
r  vocations@hamiltondiocese.com 

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is transferred from December 8 to Monday, December 9 this year. All are welcome to join in the celebration of Mass at the Cathedral Basilica at 12 noon. 
 "The Immaculate Conception is probably the most misunderstood dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, even among Catholics.  It does not refer to the conception or birth of Christ.  The Immaculate Conception is the dogma affirming that Mary, the Mother of God, was conceived without original sin.  Immaculate means “without stain” and the stain, in this case, is that of original sin.  What does this mean?" Read more about it here!

So now you know! 

Anything you're not sure about? Email us at canadianmartyrshamilton@hamiltondiocese.com with your questions, shower-thoughts, and ponderings!
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.
This week's intentions:

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 ✞Gabriel D'Oliveira
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 ✞Father Sardo
Thursday, December 12, 2019 ✞Deceased members of Jenner Bae's family
Friday, December 13, 2019 ✞Frank & Bridget Horan
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Barbera Family

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.

All are welcome to come and celebrate with us!
Mass Schedule
December 24 6:00 pm Christmas Vigil
December 25 11:30 am Christmas Day
December 26 No Mass
December 27 No Mass
December 28 6:00 pm
December 29 11:30 am
December 30 No Mass
December 31 6:00 pm Vigil Mass: Mary Mother of God
January 1 11:30 am Mass: Mary Mother of God
January 2 No Mass
Office Hours
December 24: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
December 25, 26, 27: CLOSED
December 30: closed
December 31: 8:30 - 1:30 pm
January 1: CLOSED

Liturgy Schedule
Friday 12:30 pm
Saturday Vigil 6:00 pm
Sunday 11:30 am & 8:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation
 Friday 12:00 pm


Friday 1:00 to 2:00 pm

Office Hours
Friday 1:30 to 4:30 pm

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...there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he


"... you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."