"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
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Renovation Construction Update • Faith Studies Celebration • Sunday MissalsCall for Baked Goods! • pm Evening Mass TimesGood Shepherd Honour Donation • Christmas Bruncheon • Christmas FairFrom the Diocese • Did You Know?Mass IntentionsLiturgy Schedule

It's really happening folks! The temporary office is in place, and we are moved in! The old rectory is coming down in preparation for the new build, and we need your help emptying it out! Read on for more details...
There are a few new updates on the construction! Things are really moving along. Our office trailer was delivered, and last week we moved in! The rectory is in the process of being decommissioned and emptied, readying for demolition.

After Mass on the 24th, you are welcome to head over to the old rectory for a final viewing, and help us clear it out! There are a number of items available for you to take, from crockery to furniture to stationery (calling all teachers!). There will be a free-will donation basket set up if you are so moved.  There will also be delicious hot dogs available to break your post-Mass fast! We have a local vendor who will be onsite, selling hot dogs and polish and Italian sausages. It'll be the most delicious $4 t0 $5 you've ever spent... 
You're also welcome to come over to the trailer to check out our new digs for the next year or so!

As of close of Mass on Sunday, November 24th, the Emerson exit from the parking lot will be closed, permanently.
Faith studies are wrapping up this semester! For all those who have participated in a study, we are getting together to celebrate!!!! Join us on November 27th, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm here at the Church to meet other faith study participants, honour your group leaders and eat some delicious pizza!!

Join us for this new time, a new chance to be together as a community. Invite friends, invite neighbors!  We're up late at Canadian Martyrs! This new 8 pm Mass is going to be a great outreach for us to offer and be part of here in Hamilton. And maybe if we see the need, we’ll make the 8 pm Mass a more regular part of our life as a community!

Evening Masses Ministries
The McMaster Fall final exam period is from Friday, December 6 to Thursday, December 19. The McMaster Chaplaincy, of which we are a member, offers the students somewhere to decompress and load up on carbs in order to refuel during the challenge of the exam period. We welcome donations of baked goods.

Store-bought cookies are welcome at any time. Fresh baked goods need to be labeled with clear ingredient lists and we’ll accept them starting the week of December 2nd.

Donations can be dropped off at the Church Office trailer, or at the Chaplaincy office in room 231 of the Student Centre at McMaster.


The St. Joseph 2020 Sunday Missal

New missals are now available for pick up any time the Church is open at front & side door entrances!
A small donation of $5 is appreciated. Please leave your donation in the collection basket!

The Christmas Gift That Keeps On Giving
Honour a friend or a loved one this Christmas season by making an In Honour donation to Good Shepherd. This is the perfect gift to acknowledge the important people in your life. Your gift is truly blessed – it recognizes someone special, it helps someone less fortunate in our community and it benefits you as the donor with a tax receipt. Consider making a meaningful gift for all the wonderful people on your Christmas list. Good Shepherd will send a Christmas card to the person you wish to honour acknowledging your thoughtfulness. 

Donations can be made online at www.goodshepherdcentres.ca or by phone at 905.57.ANGEL (26435). We will also have cards available for you to take with you. You will find them on the tables at the entrances to the Church.


 This Friday, November 29th is the Staff and Faculty Christmas Bruncheon! Drop-in at MUSC 230  from 10:30 am to 11:30 am for coffee, brunch and a chance to meet members of the Catholic Chaplaincy, other faculty, staff, and students! We can't wait to see you there!!

Saturday, November 23
Canadian Martyrs School Gym (Main & Emerson)
10 am - 3 pm

Friday Night Support Group for Persons Separated or Divorced
Would it help you to have people around you to understand what you’re going through? Would you like to hear some ideas that will encourage you and help you to develop new ways of coping with the stresses in your life? The Hamilton Diocesan Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month and they can help! No need to register just come and join us at the Chancery Office at 700 King St. West, Hamilton from 7 – 9 p.m. For more information call the Family Ministry Office at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249. There is NO COST, but great learning, caring and support! 

 It is one of a number of sins that "cry to Heaven for Vengeance."
"Remuneration for work should guarantee man the opportunity to provide a dignified livelihood for himself and his family on the material, social, cultural and spiritual level, taking into account the role and the productivity of each, the state of the business, and the common good." And just because someone agrees to do work for a certain wage, doesn't necessarily make it a just wage. 

Read more about it here (item 2434)!

So now you know! 

Anything you're not sure about? Email us at canadianmartyrshamilton@hamiltondiocese.com with your questions, shower-thoughts and ponderings!
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please call the office to have that intention put into the calendar.
This week's intentions:
Tuesday, November 26, 2019: +Father Sardo
Wednesday, November 27, 2019: +Everly George
Thursday, November 28, 2019: +Purgatory Souls
Friday, November 29, 2019:  +Anna Baker
Saturday, November 30, 2019: +Don & Jean Cybalski; +Peter Jacula

Click the image above to see booked mass intentions and all dates that are available to book to pray and remember those who have died or for the needs of our family and friends.
All are welcome to come and celebrate with us!

Liturgy Schedule
Friday 12:30 pm
Saturday Vigil 6:00 pm
Sunday 11:30 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
 Friday 12:00 pm


Friday 1:00 to 5:00 pm

Office Hours
Friday 1:30 to 4:30 pm

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"... you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."


"...you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But not a hair of your head will perish."