As a way for us all to take ownership of the Student Centre as a common space and to steward it well together, a WhatsApp group has been started for this purpose.

If you are a regular attendee, please consider joining the group as a way to help us all communicate well to keep the Student Centre attractive and beautiful for the multiple purposes we have for it.
From January 30 to February 2, 7 of us from the Chaplaincy set out to journey to Montreal for the Canadian Catholic Student Association (CCSA) national conference. Hosted by the Newman Centre of McGill University, the Conference was a time to meet other Catholic students from across Canada in a spiritual of solidarity, reflection, and prayer.

The theme of the Conference was synodality and becoming a church that offers a compelling witness to a watching world. We learned what when on during the recent Synod on Synodality in Rome, the process of prayerful “synodal listening” which guided the discussions, and how this might help us meet the current cultural phenomenon of the pervasiveness of artificial intelligence in many aspects of life.

Our liturgies were beautiful, which included Mass at St. Joseph’s Oratory, Mass at Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours – one of the oldest churches in Montreal – celebrated by the Archbishop of Montreal, Christian Lépine, and a closing prayer with the songs of Taize.

We were able to attend the Conference with the extremely generous support from the One Heart, One Soul fund – which is all of you! Thank you so much for this support, and for praying for us on our journey to and from Montreal.
Join us for Student Mass every Tuesday at 5:15 pm before the student dinner & night prayer!
This week's dinner will be Polish-themed to celebrate Father Greg's birthday!
Join us for Morning Prayer & Breakfast every Wednesday from 8-9 am in the St. Kateri student center!
Visit Our Lord on Fridays from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm with the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. 
This Sunday, February 9th!
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Chinese New Year Dinner!