2nd Week of School!📚

2nd Week of School!📚

"Hope does not disappoint because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit” – Romans 5:5

Pope Francis has joyfully proclaimed that 2025 will be an Ordinary Jubilee Year, with the theme Pilgrims of Hope.

A Jubilee Year is celebrated by the Universal Church every 25 years. This special year is dedicated to encouraging the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, repent of their sins, forgive others’ sins, and renew their focus on spiritual life.

We will officially begin the Jubilee year as a parish on January 12th at the 11:30 am mass!

Our weekly Chaplaincy events can be quite large and it may have you feeling lost or even out of place the first time around.

Faith studies counteract that intimidation by placing you in a small-group environment with people who want to make friends like-minded in the Catholic faith.

As for our friends who are not Catholic, faith studies are a great tool to help you discover a deeper meaning to life, and what it means to have a genuine relationship with God as you learn more about who He is.

Faith studies are very flexible, and by simply communicating with your leader, you are able to work around your busy school schedule to find a time that works for you.

Sign ups for faith studies will be open soon!
Here is a weekly schedule along with our student center hours to keep in your back pocket for reference! Please view individual event details below!
Join us for Student Mass every Tuesday at 5:15 pm before the student dinner & night prayer!
Join us for our weekly student dinner followed by night prayer beginning this Tuesday from 6-8 pm in the Newman Hall (located underneath the church)!
Join us for Morning Prayer & Breakfast every Wednesday from 8-9 am in the St. Kateri student center!
The topic for this Friday, January 17th is Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope!
Visit Our Lord on Fridays from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm with the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. 
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3rd Week of School! ❄️
