Stewardship Call: Covering our Needs


I’m no math wiz, but I like to play around with numbers when the idea comes my way.

Given our approximate Sunday attendance (over all Masses) of 175 persons, and given the budget/general expenditures each month as just less than $10,000, how much would each person have to give each week (assuming 4 weeks in a month), so that we might meet our expenses?

Well, I did some iPhone number crunching, and it seems the magic number is….$15/week or $60/month.

I know, for some that number is small, for others it’s way more than seems possible. But there it is, that’s the number. Now the reality is, we need to more than match our minimum expenses, since over and above this we do receive a subsidy to pay for expenses not identified, student ministry, 50% of operating expenses, etc.

All that to say, please consider if you might be able to stretch toward this goal, or even if you already give far more than this, could you up your donation by $15/week to make up for someone who cannot?

The math wiz has spoken, microphone drop. 🎤

~Father Markus


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