Coffee Sunday

Thank you to the Catholic Women's League for hosting another enjoyable Coffee Sunday. It was good to see familiar faces and meet some new members of the community. The Hospitality Team did a great job welcoming people and encouraging the use of name tags so we could get to know one another better.  
The treats that people donated were much appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed. Father Greg’s Polish donuts ‘paczki’ were a big hit! 
The community was pleased to welcome back Kathleen and Jesse LeBlanc, our former 11:30 Sunday mass music ministers and their 4 delightful children. Kathleen and Jesse provided the music for this Sunday and then came down to visit with people at Coffee Sunday. It was an opportunity for people to wish them well as they embark on an exciting new chapter in their family’s life as they relocate to Nova Scotia, where Jesse grew up. 
We missed having Father Gregory, Jason (campus minister), and Robyn (pastoral minister) with us. They were attending the Diocesan Rite of Election at the Cathedral Basilica with our 4 catechumens, Elliot, Ejiofor, Aiden, and Andy.


American Women Saints: CWL Movie Night


Rite of Election