Welcoming First-Year Students!!

Today, we kicked off the academic year with our First-Year Welcome Brunch, bringing together new McMaster students to the Saint Kateri University Student Centre for a warm and delicious start to their journey. Our Exec team was pleased to meet so many new faces, all eager to begin their time at McMaster and explore what the chaplaincy has to offer.

The morning was filled with lively conversations, games and laughter as students got to know each other over a hearty brunch of waffles topped with fresh fruit, whipped cream, and, naturally, a generous drizzle of maple syrup. It was a wonderful opportunity for first-years to connect with our community, ask questions, and get a taste of the welcoming environment we strive to create at the chaplaincy.

As we look ahead to a new semester, we’re excited to support our students in their academic and spiritual journeys. Whether it’s through our upcoming events, weekly gatherings, or just a quiet place to study, the Saint Kateri University Student Centre is here to be a home away from home for all.

Thanks to everyone who joined us today, and to our amazing campus minister Jason for a fantastic brunch with delicious homemade waffles. 


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