Farewell, and Welcome!

We have some bittersweet news to share with our parish community. Kathy, our Maintenance Coordinator, is retiring from her position. Kathy has been a dedicated parishioner for many years, contributing her time and talents to various events and programs. Her work over the past few years has been invaluable, not just in maintaining our building, but also in building the role itself. She created and organized systems and files following the completion of the Cornerstone Project, setting a strong foundation for the future.

Although she is stepping down from her role, Kathy is not leaving us as a parishioner. She will continue to be an integral member of our faith community, enjoying her well-deserved retirement.

As we bid farewell to Kathy in this role, we are pleased to welcome Rob, another devoted parishioner, who will be taking over as Maintenance Coordinator. We believe Rob will bring fresh energy and ideas to the role, continuing the great work that Kathy has started.

Thank you, Kathy, for your dedication and hard work. We wish you all the best! And welcome, Rob! We look forward to seeing the things you'll accomplish in this new role.


Happy Canada Day!


Summer Chaplaincy Reunion