Call to Ministry

This weekend (October 6 & 7) we're having a "Call to Ministry" at each of the Masses, and we’d love for you to join us. Whether you’re already part of our community or just curious about getting involved, this is a great chance to see how you can make a difference:

Find Your Fit: Whether it’s reading at Mass, helping with collections, or serving at the altar, there’s a place for everyone to use their talents.

Build Connections: Volunteering isn’t just about giving—it’s about community. You’ll meet new people, deepen friendships, and feel more connected.

Grow Spiritually: Ministry is a beautiful way to grow in your faith and experience the joy of serving others in God’s name.

Give Back: There’s something special about giving your time and energy to help create a welcoming space for others.

Come as you are! We’ll be there to guide you as you discover your role in our community. See you this weekend!


Carmelite Nuns Come & See


Morning Prayer & Breakfast