Canadian Martyrs

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🍁 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Healing and Commitment 🍁

September 30th is just around the corner, and in Canada, it's a day of great significance. We're talking about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. 🇨🇦

Here at Canadian Martyrs Church and Saint Kateri University Student Centre, we are all about fostering understanding and healing. On September 30th, our Mass will be said for the intentions of our First Nations brothers and sisters in Canada. It's our way of standing in solidarity and acknowledging the historical and ongoing injustices faced by Indigenous communities.

During his visit to Canada Pope had some wise words for Canadian Catholics, and we're totally on board with his message. He called on us to commit to four essential things:

  1. Tell the Truth: We're all about truth here, and Pope Francis is too. It's crucial to ensure that history is told in a truthful way. Understanding our past is the first step toward healing.

  2. Support Indigenous Language, Culture, and Traditions: Language and culture are at the heart of any community. We're all about embracing diversity, and this means supporting and celebrating Indigenous languages, culture, and traditions.

  3. Be an Ally for Justice: Justice is a core tenet of our faith, and it applies to everyone. We're here to stand up and be allies in the pursuit of justice, especially for Indigenous communities who have been disproportionately affected by historical injustices.

  4. Appreciate Indigenous Wisdom: Our Indigenous brothers and sisters have a deep connection to the land and the environment. Pope Francis reminds us to appreciate their wisdom in caring for our beautiful planet. After all, it's a gift from God that we must cherish.

So, as we approach September 30th, let's keep these commitments close to our hearts. Let's continue to build a welcoming community that honours truth, justice, and healing.

Don't forget to join us on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and keep those intentions for healing in your prayers. Together, we can make a positive difference in the world.