Canadian Martyrs

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New Downspout Extensions!

Hey there, church community! We've got some exciting news to share about a recent improvement we've made to the building. You know that feeling when you step inside and the air feels a bit sticky? Well, we've taken action to tackle the high humidity that has been causing some issues in the Newman Hall, and requiring us to empty our dehumidifiers twice a day!

Introducing our brand-new downspout extensions! These nifty additions might not sound glamorous, but trust us, they're game-changers. Those extensions are like the hall's new best friends, guiding rainwater away from the foundation like pros. And guess what? By keeping the water from pooling around our church, we're not only doing our part for the building's longevity but also waving goodbye to that pesky humidity. So next time you step into Newman Hall and feel that refreshingly comfortable air, you'll know it's all thanks to a little teamwork between downspout extensions and our commitment to creating a cozy space for all. Cheers to a comfier, happier church experience!