Women's Ministry: Discernment Night

As this semester comes to a close, the Women's Ministry group had their last meeting on Wednesday, March 29th. This was a special meeting where a panel of women with diverse backgrounds and experiences came together to answer questions about vocations and discernment.

The panelists were able to provide great insight into the different vocations and also tackled common misconceptions that people have about them. From discussing the scriptural foundations of each vocation to sharing their personal experiences, the panelists were able to share a wealth of knowledge.

The meeting was a great success and we were grateful for the opportunity to learn from such an inspiring group of women. The discussion was engaging and thought-provoking, and everyone who attended left with a better understanding of the different vocations.

The Women's Ministry leaders would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the panelists who took the time to share their wisdom and insights. The participants in the community also deserve recognition for their active participation and thoughtful questions.

If you’d be interested in participating in Women’s Ministry when we start it up again, please let us know!


Bishop Crosby's Easter Message 2023


CWL Annual General Meeting