Stewardship Call: Have you had a chance to sign up for monthly giving yet?


Have you had a chance to sign up for monthly giving yet?

Money is a uniquely human issue, one we all struggle with to one degree or another. Even if we are financially blessed, we are responsible to steward our money wisely. We believe as Christians, that one of the best ways to invest our money is for the work and ministry of Christ’s Church here on earth.  Tithing on a regular basis shows an obedience to God by making His work a financial priority in our lives. 

By giving to your church, you are showing that Canadian Martyrs has a meaningful place in your lives and hearts.

Donating to the church monthly builds a consistent and dependable foundation that allows the mission of Canadian Martyrs to happen, to preach the gospel, make disciples, and support others in our community who need help, and it’s all thanks to contributors like you.


World Day of the Sick


World Day for Consecrated Life (Feb 2, 2022)