Canadian Martyrs

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COVID Update

The good news is that we are able to continue our public Masses and the church is able to remain open for prayer!

We are committed to ensuring we continue to provide our community with an opportunity to be present with the Lord as safely as possible and in accordance with provincial mandates.

Given the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant, and the need to isolate if one is infected, Pastors have been advised that if they or an Associate test positive for COVID-19 and are required to isolate, they are to inform parishioners through the Parish Website (it will be on our front page) and by notices published on doors of the Parish Office and Church that the Parish is closed for the isolation time and will remain closed until a negative result is received. Parishioners are reminded that masks are required for church-goers. Following the constant recommendation of medical officers of health, vaccines and booster shots are strongly encouraged!

Canadian Martyrs Office will be closed until January 27. That being said, if you have any questions, or need help with anything, please email or phone the office, and we will do our best to make arrangements to assist in any way we can, non-contact!