Canadian Martyrs

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Conscience Rights in Ontario

A Crucial Moment for Healthcare Professionals

Over the last several years, doctors and healthcare professionals have been fighting to have their individual conscience rights recognized by both the Federal and Provincial governments. An Angus Reid poll last year found that 80% of Ontarians favour conscience rights legislation to protect healthcare providers from having to violate their conscience when caring for a patient.

We are at a crucial moment in history when it comes to conscience rights and MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying)

Federally, the passing of Bill C-7 will mean expanding access to euthanasia and assisted suicide to the disabled, those with mental illness and those who have an advanced directive.  Many Canadians alarmed at the implications of Bill C-7, have contacted their Member of Parliament to express their concerns.

Provincially, many MPP's want to be supportive of conscience rights for health care providers and will do so if they understand that this is the will of Ontarians. If people take the time to call, write or e-mail their local Member of Provincial Parliament it is possible that conscience legislation will be passed.

There is much to learn and we must act. Please visit where you can send an email directly to the Ontario government and learn more about this critically important issue. The program will automatically send your response to the correct government officials.

Click on the following link to see a powerful video with testimonies from healthcare providers describing how they feel about the possibility of having to take part in MAID when it goes directly against their moral principles. Make a Call for Conscience - YouTube

Read Bishop Crosby's letter to the Diocese on Conscience Rights:

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Please protect Ontario patients by ensuring healthcare professionals with moral convictions aren’t pushed out of our province or their profession. Contact the Ontario government at to ask them to support legislation that protects conscience rights.